Home Nutrition Protein popularity surge among Gen Zs sparks demand for cottage cheese and chicken

Protein popularity surge among Gen Zs sparks demand for cottage cheese and chicken

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The health-conscious generation of Zers and millennials are increasing the demand for foods containing protein, from cottage cheese to chicken breast and tuna.

In a national survey of 2,200 people by Savanta, by Ocado Retail, nearly half of UK adults have increased their protein intake over the past year, up by two-thirds of all ages 16 to 34.

The survey shows that the rise in popularity is driven primarily by social media, with nearly 50% of Gen Z using Instagram and Tiktok to inspire compared to a third (35%) of millennials and just 5% of boomers.

Online grocery store Ocado said searches have doubled on high protein food websites since 2023.

Demand for low-fat, high-protein dairy cottage cheese has risen by 97%, partly due to the surge in popularity of Tiktok ingredients. Demand for Greek yogurt has also increased by 56%.

Chicken breast searches have increased by 43%, steak searches have increased by 39%, tuna searches have increased by 35%, and egg white searches have increased by 27%.

Search for cottage cheese is rising rapidly (Getty Images))

Searchers for plant-based protein sources are also increasing, with chickpea searches increasing by 27% and 18% of lentils increasing.

Nicola Waller, Ocado Retail’s purchasing director, said: “Protein was once considered a bodybuilder’s reserve, but today it’s a staple food for those who want to eat well and feel great. Consumers are more aware of where protein comes from, and are more likely to favor natural, whole food options than ultra-treated alternatives.”

Proteins are essential for muscle repair and growth, and most protein sources also contain a variety of important vitamins and minerals.

The NHS recommends choosing lean cuts of meat or skinless chicken to reduce fat when possible and eat red and processed meats such as bacon and sausages.

Meat is a great source of iron and zinc, but fish also contain many important vitamins and minerals, and oily fish is a particularly good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

The NHS recommends eating at least two fish per week, including some of the oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, and says fresh, frozen or canned fish is a good option.

According to the NHS, pulses of beans, peas and lentils are good sources of protein and fiber, with very low fat.

Adults are advised to eat about 0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight, but this can vary depending on age and whether someone is sick or not.

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