Home Products Prostate cancer cases worldwide likely to double by 2040, analysis finds | Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer cases worldwide likely to double by 2040, analysis finds | Prostate cancer

by Universalwellnesssystems

The number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer worldwide is expected to double to 2.9 million a year by 2040, with annual deaths expected to increase by 85%, according to the largest study of its kind. There is.

Prostate cancer is already a leading cause of death and disability and is the most common form of male cancer in more than 100 countries. But as the world’s population ages and life expectancy increases, new analysis predicts the number of infections and deaths will rise dramatically over the next 15 years.

The number of diagnoses is expected to rise from 1.4 million a year in 2020 to 2.9 million by 2040, which means about 330 men every hour will be told they have the disease. .

The global death toll is predicted to increase by 85% in 20 years, from 375,000 in 2020 to almost 700,000 by 2040. Experts say the actual death toll is probably higher due to underdiagnosis and missing data. and middle-income countries.

It was discovered that Published in Lancet The study was carried out as part of a ground-breaking commission on prostate cancer and will be presented at the European Association of Urology’s annual meeting in Paris on Saturday.

Aging populations and increasing life expectancy mean that an increasing number of older men around the world are living longer. The main risk factors for prostate cancer, such as being over the age of 50 and having a family history of prostate cancer, are unavoidable, so lifestyle changes and public health interventions alone will not be able to prevent the surge in cases. say the experts.

But broader awareness of disease symptoms, access to testing efforts, early diagnosis, and advances in treatment can still help reduce the burden and save lives, according to the authors of the 40-page report. there is a possibility.

“With more and more men living into middle age around the world, the number of prostate cancer cases will inevitably rise,” said Professor Nick James, lead author of the study. “We know this surge in cases is on the horizon, so we need to plan and take action now.”

“Evidence-based interventions, such as early detection and improved education programs, will help save lives and prevent prostate cancer-related health problems in the coming years,” says the Prostate Cancer Institute. added James, a research professor. Consultant clinical oncologist at the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, based in London.

James said new and improved ways to test for the disease are needed globally to detect potentially deadly tumors early while reducing overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Stated.

Improving knowledge of the warning signs among men and their families was also key, the report said.

Symptoms of prostate cancer include the need to urinate frequently at night. I want to go to the bathroom quickly. Difficulty starting to pee. You may feel like your bladder isn’t emptying completely, or you may have blood in your urine or semen.

These symptoms do not necessarily mean prostate cancer. Many men’s prostates grow larger as they age due to a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia. Signs that prostate cancer may have spread include pain in the testicles, back or bones, loss of appetite, and unintentional weight loss.

Alfred Samuels said it should be mandatory to record ethnicity in clinical trials. Photo: Alfred Samuels

The study also highlighted the need for further research to better understand prostate cancer in black men, as most studies have focused on white men.

Alfred Samuels was 54 years old when he learned in 2012 that he had advanced prostate cancer. He worked in the entertainment industry for 30 years, providing security for celebrities such as Beyoncé and Bob Dylan, but a shocking diagnosis ended his career overnight. After tests revealed the cancer had spread, doctors ruled out surgery and the father of six began to lose hope.

But then he entered a clinical trial and began treatment with a drug that is now extending the lives of thousands of men around the world. Twelve years later, Mr Samuels, from Harrow, north-west London, has welcomed six grandchildren into the world and pivoted to his second career raising awareness of cancer research.

“My prostate cancer diagnosis was terminal, so if I hadn’t been able to participate in the clinical trial, I wouldn’t be here today. It was my lifeline,” said Samuels, now 66. Ta. Ethnicity is now required to be recorded in clinical trials, and trials must reflect the ethnic diversity of the population so that we can find better treatments for people like me. ”

Amy Rylance, head of treatment improvement at the UK prostate cancer charity, said the Lancet report was a “timely call to action”. He added that health systems need to better recognize those most at risk: black men and men with genetic risk factors such as a family history of prostate cancer or BRCA mutations.

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