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Alaya F recently joined social media to talk about her dedicated fitness regime. She revealed she has embarked on a 75-day fitness challenge.
Alaya F spoke about how the 75-day fitness challenge changed her.
Araya F’s dedication to fitness is very clear from her social media. The actor often takes her to her Instagram for a glimpse of her workout regime, mindful diet, meditation, intense workouts and everything in between. Recently, Araya shared a video showing her 75-day journey trained in training, dieting, meditation and journaling, revealing how it changed her life.
Taking her to social media, Alaya F shared a video where she recorded her 75 days of government. The video included snippets from her intense workouts, healthy eating and mindful living. She writes: “In the last 75 days I have read six books, not drinking cheat meals, alcohol, sugar, gluten, meat, or 3.8L of water every day. No breaks, shortcuts, or excuses. I started 75 hard on December 17th and gradually gotten violent and intense until I was done on March 1st! I recommend 10/10, it changed my whole life.”
Watch the video here.
As soon as Araya shared the video, her fans quickly praised her level of dedication and for staying true to her goals. Many called her inspiration, and many shared the idea that she would follow the path of Ayaa. In this 75-day fitness journey, the actress has proven that achieving a fitted body is not as easy as it looks. Achieving healthy goals requires immense dedication, commitment and consistency. A 75-day fitness regime will not only change you physically, but it will also bring emotional and mental benefits.
By sharing her fitness journey, Araya not only established herself as a fitness icon, she also encouraged her fans to follow suits.
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