Home Mental Health Prioritizing your mental health heading into finals week – The Maine Campus

Prioritizing your mental health heading into finals week – The Maine Campus

by Universalwellnesssystems

The final week is a stressful time for everyone. As the final week of classes begins, it’s imperative that you set aside time to put yourself first. In times of overwhelm and anxiety, making sure your mental health is in control is more important than ever.

Yes, it’s easier said than done, but just a reminder to eat right, sleep well, and stay active can make a big difference in learning success. Creating a schedule that gives you time to take a break before the final week will help you feel like you don’t have to spend all your time studying.

Numerous studies have proven the benefits of taking breaks while studying. For example, his 2012 study conducted by Case Western Reserve University and Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that taking a 10- or 20-minute nap each day significantly improved productivity and academic focus. understood. This website is a useful resource for understanding how long you should nap based on what you are trying to accomplish.

But there are also breaks that don’t work. Taking a break to use social media is, as you probably guessed it, an ineffective break. In fact, it may stress you out more. A study conducted by the Huffington Post found that people who use social networks are 14% more likely to characterize their lives as “slightly stressful” than those who don’t. I understand.

An effective break, on the other hand, can be physical activity. This doesn’t have to be a run or a trip to the gym. Even going for a 30-minute walk can help reduce stress. A Princeton University study found that anxiety symptoms were less likely to occur 24 hours after exercise.

Another important thing to keep in mind in the finals is diet. During stressful times, people often forget to eat, eat unhealthily, or eat too much at once. It will only make your stress worse. This website is a great resource to help you find out which foods give you energy and improve your thinking and functioning. . Not only can you get away from work, but you can also eat something that makes you feel good.

These studies help us understand the importance of taking breaks. But more importantly, be aware and understand what your body needs. By giving yourself time to step away and focus on something that brings you joy, you’ll be more successful in your exams as well as your health.

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