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Prenatal THC exposure linked to life-long health risks • Earth.com

by Universalwellnesssystems

Consuming tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) during pregnancy can alter normal developmental processes in the fetus, potentially affecting the lifelong health of offspring, new US study reveals. became. Oregon Health & Science University (Push).

Published in today’s magazine clinical epigeneticsthis preclinical study shed light on a topic hitherto largely shrouded in uncertainty due to the lack of data on the safety of prenatal cannabis use.

research focus

THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, is the substance whose use and availability is surging across the United States.

As its popularity grows, so does the prevalence of cannabis use during pregnancy, especially during the all-important first trimester. This is a time when the developing fetus is very susceptible to environmental influences, and many women turn to cannabis to relieve morning sickness.

However, despite escalating use, the potential effects of prenatal cannabis use on fetal development have not been clearly established.

This pioneering study by the OHSU team aimed to delve into the long-term health effects of THC use during pregnancy.

Epigenome changes

The study, conducted in a nonhuman primate model, showed that prenatal exposure to THC causes changes in the placental and fetal epigenomes (complex chemical modifications to DNA that regulate gene regulation and expression). There was found.

Disturbingly, these changes were similar to those seen in several common neurobehavioral conditions, including autism spectrum disorders.

“Cannabis is one of the most commonly used drugs and is widely available across the country, so there is a common perception that it is completely safe to use. It still poses a number of health risks for certain populations, including those who are pregnant,” said lead study author Lindsay Sholey Kendrick, Ph.D., a computational biologist at the OHSU Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC). Stated.

Dr. Shawley Kendrick emphasizes the need to better understand these effects in order to effectively inform patients about risks and promote safer habits during the vulnerable prenatal period.

The researchers administered THC in their daily diet to a non-human primate model and compared the results to a placebo group. In particular, experts investigated epigenetic changes in key areas of healthy prenatal development, such as the placenta and fetal lungs, brain and heart.

research result

The analysis reveals that exposure to THC fundamentally altered the epigenome, the process by which genetically encoded information is translated into function and observable traits.

Since all the genes that make up DNA are uniquely encoded to contribute to different functions in the body and brain, interference with epigenetic processes by drug exposure can be critical to development, especially in pregnancy. raises concerns over time.

Significant alterations were observed in genes associated with common neurobehavioral disorders such as autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Such conditions are associated with unfavorable health outcomes in childhood and adolescence, including poor memory and verbal reasoning skills, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and increased inattention.

Future impact of research

The team, which includes eminent researchers Dr. Elliott Spindell, Dr. Eleanor Sullivan, Dr. Owen McCarty and Dr. Jason Hedges, hopes their findings will improve the limited literature on THC use during pregnancy. there is Experts also hope to influence future developments in patient counseling and public health policies that address cannabis.

Study co-author Dr. Jamie Lowe, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the OHSU School of Medicine, said it’s not common to discuss cannabis use among health care professionals working with pregnant patients or those trying to conceive. It pointed out.

“We hope our study will spark a broader dialogue about the risks of cannabis use in the pre-pregnancy and antenatal period, which will improve children’s health in the long term,” Dr. Lo said.

This study therefore serves as a stark reminder of the public health need for a better understanding of cannabis and its potential effects during pregnancy.


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