Home Nutrition Precision Medicine Doctor’s 6 Daily Supplements to Boost Longevity

Precision Medicine Doctor’s 6 Daily Supplements to Boost Longevity

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dr. Florence Comite takes many supplements every day.
Getty/Comite Center for Precision Medicine & Health

  • Dr. Florence Comite specializes in personalized medicine to help patients live as long as possible.
  • She shared six of the supplements she takes daily.
  • These include dark chocolate, aspirin, methylated B vitamins, and vitamin D.

A precision medicine doctor shares 6 takeaways supplement She takes them daily in hopes that they will help her live longer.

Experts generally agree that it’s best to get your nutrients from your diet, but are you wondering if taking supplements when you don’t have a deficiency actually helps your health or is it just more expensive to pee? There is no conclusion yet as to whether this will be the case.But there are many people who are interested. Take supplements to live longerin the hopes that they will give them an edge.

Tech executives and biohackers brian johnsonFor example, long-lived doctors take more than 100 tablets a day containing spermidine or lithium to supplement their diets. Peter Attia Take vitamin D and magnesium.

Dr. Florence Comite, endocrinologist, based in New York Komite Center for Precision Medicine and Health Similarly, we take supplements daily to extend our healthy lifespan.

Here it is What you need to know She takes about 6 different supplements every day.

vitamin D

vitamin D Helps the body absorb calcium. Calcium is important for maintaining strong bones and reducing inflammation. Low vitamin D levels are associated with a variety of health problems, including depression and increased risk of developing cancer.

Dr. Comite said many of her patients come to the office with very low vitamin D levels, as 35% of adults in the United States are deficient, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

She takes it with fat-soluble foods like salmon and eggs to help her body absorb it.


Comite take aspirin Because it’s associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer and reduced inflammation in the body.

However, it’s worth noting that the American Heart Association does not recommend taking aspirin daily unless you have had a stroke or stroke. heart attack, This is because aspirin can thin the blood and increase the risk of stomach bleeding.

Methylated B vitamins

There are 8 Vitamin B group, and they all have important roles in metabolism. Vitamin B deficiency can cause symptoms such as anemia and irregular heartbeat, as well as cognitive impairment and an increased risk of depression.

Komite has a gene that prevents his body from metabolizing B vitamins well, so he takes methylated vitamins, which are easier to absorb.


Comite takes dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Sexual desire suppression and bone health.

The body naturally produces DHEA, but the amount decreases with age, and low levels of the hormone have been linked to osteoporosis, heart disease, memory loss, and breast cancer, according to Mount Sinai. That’s it. Therefore, some researchers believe that maintaining DHEA levels may have anti-aging effects.

However, evidence links low DHEA levels and These issues exist, but they don’t prove that cause they. DHEA also has side effects, such as lowering good cholesterol levels.

protein powder

Committee priorities protein That’s because “muscle is essential for maintaining muscle mass, and muscle helps metabolize sugar effectively.”

Muscle mass decreases with age, and research has linked it to chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and increased risk of heart disease.

To combat this, Comite does strength training with weights twice a week. Consume 1 gram of protein per kg of body weight to maintain muscle mass.

She starts each meal with a protein source like nuts, cottage cheese, and yogurt, and adds protein powder to her breakfast smoothie every morning.

she previously shared high protein smoothie recipe With Business Insider.

dark chocolate

Komite views the antioxidants found in dark chocolate as a supplement. It is thought to be associated with lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels, reduced risk of heart disease, and reduced inflammation associated with cancer and chronic diseases.

Comite recommends dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70-90%, as it has much less sugar than milk or white chocolate.

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