Home Nutrition Pomegranate peels have these amazing benefits; here’s how to consume them | Health

Pomegranate peels have these amazing benefits; here’s how to consume them | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

I love juicy, sweet and slightly tangy pomegranate Seeds, but don’t know what to do with the skins? The peels of many fruits are rich in several nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which is why many health experts advise consuming them. Apple, Chiku, peach, cucumber and its skin. But with certain fruits like pomegranates, people don’t know how to use the skins and throw them away. Experts say pomegranate peels can provide an extra dose of antioxidants, especially great for detoxifying and reducing stress. cold and cough, helps treat skin problems and hair loss. Additionally, it helps control diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. But how do you consume or use pomegranate seeds for your health? All you need to know. (Please also read: Benefits of nutritionists to take pomegranate easily. delicious recipes)

Pomegranate skins are dried in the sun for several days and then ground to a fine powder. It can be stored in jars at room temperature and added to food to boost immunity or applied to the skin for cosmetic benefits.

wonderful pomegranate

“Winter is full of fresh, juicy fruits, and one of them is the pomegranate. This superfruit is rich in many nutrients, including fiber, iron, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Pomegranate’s low calorie content and low glycemic index make it a better option for keeping your gut healthy to support a better immune system and controlling blood sugar levels while maintaining a normal weight.” says Priscilla Marian, Executive Dietitian, Cloud Nine Hospital, Karyani Nagar, Pune.

Like the fruit, pomegranate peel has many benefits. Priscilla Marian explains.

“Pomegranate skin has a thick, leathery texture and is usually considered useless, but many researchers have proven its benefits in multiple uses. It is used in pomegranate skins for the benefits of pomegranate seeds,” Marian says.

Pomegranate peel benefits

The benefits of pomegranate peel are:

detoxify the body

Rinse fresh pomegranate skins under running water and boil for a few minutes to extract the extract. This extract can be mixed with lime and a pinch of salt and taken throughout the day to detoxify the body.These peels contain the antioxidants and vitamin C needed for better detoxification. increase.

relief of coughs and colds

These skins should be sun-dried and ground into a fine powder. This powder should be stored in an airtight container or refrigerated. Mix half a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of peel powder and use it for coughs and colds. Pomegranate peel is useful for throat infections due to its anti-bacterial and anti-allergic properties.

Useful for skin care and hair removal

The fresh pomegranate peel should be thoroughly washed and finely ground before adding the aloe vera pulp, rose water and a little curd. A face pack that can be used twice a week for beautiful, glowing skin. Peeling aids in cell growth and breakdown of collagen in the skin, improves skin texture, removes wrinkles, dryness and anti-infective properties. The same peel his pack can also be used on your hair, and using it once a week usually prevents winter hair loss and dandruff.

improve gut health

You can make pomegranate tea by dissolving pomegranate peel powder in hot water or by boiling it with a few tea leaves. Consuming a tea like this every morning helps relieve constipation and reduces intestinal inflammation, providing probiotics that improve gut health.

Control diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol

Pomegranate peel powder alone is sufficient to maintain levels of all lifestyle diseases. This powder (1 teaspoon) can be mixed with warm water (1 glass) and taken daily early in the morning. The therapeutic and anti-inflammatory effects of the peel make it easier to maintain all of the above disorders.

Beneficial for expectant mothers

Finally, pomegranate peel is especially beneficial for women in the first trimester of pregnancy as it has powerful antioxidant properties and polyphenolic compounds by providing the developing fetus with proper nutrition, including folic acid and vitamin C. . Pregnant women can take these daily to prevent digestive problems, reduce skin pigmentation, and prevent hair loss along with the nutritional value they need during the vulnerable stage.

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