Home Fitness Platelets produce same positive effect as exercise in the aged brain

Platelets produce same positive effect as exercise in the aged brain

by Universalwellnesssystems

Platelets are best known for stopping bleeding by clumping together to form clots. But researchers have discovered that they have unexpected abilities. It produces a biochemical known to rejuvenate the brains of aging mice, similar to physical exercise. The findings could lead to drugs that improve cognitive function in older people who are unable to exercise due to mobility issues.

Numerous studies have shown that regular physical activity can counteract the decline in cognitive function that occurs with age and in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying how exercise affects the brain are still poorly understood, animal studies suggest that exercise triggers the release of excelkine, a part of the brain involved in learning and memory. was found to promote the growth of new cells in the hippocampus.

This is where platelets come into play. Researchers at the University of Queensland have found that the colorless cell fragments, best known for circulating in the bloodstream and clumping together to prevent bleeding and stop bleeding in damaged vessels, have another unexpected function. I recently discovered that I have a It does so by producing a biochemical called excelkine. . In a new study, researchers investigated how platelets and platelet-produced excelkine affect the brains of aged mice.

“We know that exercise increases the production of new neurons in the hippocampus, a part of the brain that is important for learning and memory, but the mechanism is unclear,” said lead author Odette Reiter of the study. Stated. “While our previous studies showed that platelets were involved, this study shows that platelets are actually required for this effect in aged mice. .”

Their previous study showed that exercise-affected platelets release a specific excelkine called the chemokine platelet factor 4 (PF4), which is the focus of the current study. Knowing that delivering PF4 directly to the brains of young mice stimulated the growth of new cells (neurogenesis) in the hippocampus, they wondered how the aged brain would respond and how PF4 might contribute to neurogenesis. to find out if initiating treatment attenuates cognitive decline.

They administered PF4 to aged mice and tested hippocampal-related learning and memory. Mice treated with PF4 performed better than mice injected with saline alone, suggesting that PF4 treatment rejuvenated hippocampal neurogenesis and restored cognitive function, thereby enhancing exercise benefits. .

“We found that excelkine CXCL4/platelet factor 4 (PF4), which is released from platelets after exercise, confers improved regeneration and cognition when injected into aged mice,” said Reiter. said.

The researchers say the findings could help develop drug interventions, especially for people who cannot exercise because of athletic performance problems.

“Pharmacological interventions have become an important area of ​​research because exercise is not possible for many people who have health conditions, exercise capacity problems, or even the elderly,” said Tara, the study’s corresponding author. Mr Walker said. “We are now able to target platelets to promote neurogenesis, enhance cognitive function, and counteract age-related cognitive decline.”

But they stress that this therapy is not a substitute for exercise.

“It’s important to note that this is not a substitute for exercise,” says Walker. “But for the very elderly and those who have had a brain injury or stroke, it may help improve cognitive function.”

The researchers next plan to study how Alzheimer’s mice respond to PF4 before moving to human clinical trials.

The study was published in a journal Nature Communications.

sauce: University of Queensland

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