Home Products Planetary Health Diet can reduce risk of early death and help planet, study finds. What is it?

Planetary Health Diet can reduce risk of early death and help planet, study finds. What is it?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Can a sustainable diet also be good for your health? New research suggests it may be.

In a study published in 2011, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition On Monday, researchers found that people who followed the Planetary Health Diet most closely had a 30 percent lower risk of premature death compared with those who followed it least closely.

Following this diet also significantly reduced our environmental impact, by 29%. Greenhouse gas emissions Land use fell by 51%.

“Climate change is pushing the planet towards ecological disaster, and the food system has a major role to play,” said Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition. news release“Changing our diet can help slow climate change, and what’s healthiest for the planet is also healthiest for us. … This research shows how human health and the health of the planet are intertwined. Healthy diets increase environmental sustainability, which is essential to the health and well-being of all people on the planet.”

This is the first large-scale study of the Planetary Health Diet recommendations using health data from more than 200,000 women and men. Study participants were free of major chronic illnesses at the start of the study and completed dietary questionnaires every four years for up to 34 years.

“This is one of the most important papers I’ve written in the last 45 years,” Willett told CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. John LaPolk.

What is the Planetary Health Diet?

The diet “emphasizes a variety of minimally processed plant-based foods, but also allows for the moderate consumption of meat and dairy products,” according to the statement.

It was first proposed EAT-Lancet Commission In 2019, the focus was on addressing the need to sustainably feed a growing world population.

This diet aims to increase your intake of healthy foods, such as:

While reducing your intake of foods such as:

“Lean towards plant-based foods,” LaPook says of the diet’s main goal. “When you’re given the choice between plant-based foods or other foods at a restaurant, choose plant-based foods and prioritize fruits and vegetables.”

In many ways, this diet is similar to a heart-healthy diet. Mediterranean dietYou can follow a completely plant-based vegan diet, or you can go omnivorous by adding in some meat and dairy products.

“While meat and dairy products form an important part of the diet, they account for a much smaller proportion than whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes,” the report by non-profit organisation EAT said. Website.

Ideally, the “Healthy Plates of the Earth” would be approximately Half a plate of vegetables and fruits The other half should consist primarily of whole grains, plant-based protein sources, and, optionally, moderate amounts of animal protein sources, the group said.

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