Home Medicine PhD candidate awarded NIH Kirschstein Award for research on Rett syndrome

PhD candidate awarded NIH Kirschstein Award for research on Rett syndrome

by Universalwellnesssystems

David Keener, PhD Candidate for the Morningside Graduate Student Medical Science Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, said: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Predoctoral Fellowship From the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. This grant will help fund Keener’s project on Rett Syndrome. Rett syndrome is an inherited neurodevelopmental disorder that is usually diagnosed in girls from 6 months of age to her 18 months of age and ultimately robs the patient of the ability to speak, walk and use their hands.

“To be awarded a grant means a lot to me. It means we have decided the force is high enough,” Keener said.

Rett syndrome is caused by mutations in a gene called MeCP2, a master regulator of gene expression in the brain. Working with mentor Dr. Jonathan Watts, Professor of RNA Therapeutics, Keener explored the mRNA-based delivery of prime-editing machinery to neuronal cells, as well as more nuclease-stable synthetic prime-editing to target these mutations. It focuses on the creation of guide RNA.

“Prime editing is very well suited for correcting many types of genetic mutations, including the most common cause of Rett syndrome,” said Dr. Watts. “This NIH fellowship and Rett Syndrome Research Trust Bring new treatment options closer to helping patients. The work David does in this fellowship will help make Prime Editing more applicable and develop platform technologies to treat other ailments. ”

Keener remembers wanting to be a scientist as a child growing up in Needham. He holds a BA in Neurobiology from the University of Rochester with a minor in Spanish. When he applied to UMass Chan, Keener knew he would pursue neurobiology or bacteriology because of his previous experience working as a lab technician at a pharmaceutical startup that made small molecules for antibiotics. .

“Instead, I had a personal connection with the Watts Institute and found myself fitting in well with that group,” Keener said. “I had to learn all about RNA biology and synthetic chemistry on the spot, which I love. For me, who I work with is just as important as what I do.” am.”

Keener credits Dr. Emily Haberlin, senior science writer in the department. He helped his RNA Therapeutics Institute students apply for grants and helped him win awards.

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The Rett Syndrome Research Trust will provide $2.7 million in new funding for research.

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