Home Medicine Pharmacist urges people to check with doctor before using sleep aid that ‘can cause nightmares and weight gain’

Pharmacist urges people to check with doctor before using sleep aid that ‘can cause nightmares and weight gain’

by Universalwellnesssystems

No one should be taken for granted to fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow. Especially if your head is still pounding after a busy day.

Some may try to improve their sleep habits by cutting back on caffeine, others may limit screen time before bed, or try breathing exercises. There are medications that can help you sleep, but some pharmacists recommend using them only as a last resort.

Some of these drugs can cause further problems such as nightmares and weight gain. One of her most popular, Circadine contains melatonin, a synthetic version of the sleep hormone that your body produces naturally to control how and when you sleep.

read more: ‘Red flag’ symptoms of sleep disorders should be evaluated by your GP

However, synthetic melatonin can cause “unpleasant side effects” such as nightmares, night sweats, and weight gain, so it should only be taken for short periods of time by those suffering from sleep disorders. Ian Budd, Chief Clinical and Prescribing Pharmacist Chemist 4U, told the mirror He recommends talking to your doctor before taking melatonin as a sleep aid.

“Melatonin is in the drug Circadin. If you’ve been struggling with your sleep cycle for a while, you know that melatonin is a natural chemical in your body that helps you fall asleep,” he said.

“However, Circadine can have some very unpleasant side effects, such as unusual nightmares, night sweats, and weight gain, so make sure you know what you’re doing before you pick up your prescription.

“Sleep aids should only be used as a last resort after attempting lifestyle changes such as improving bedtime routines, reducing caffeine intake, or managing stress. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before using melatonin as’ to avoid unwanted side effects. “

For those who have trouble sleeping at night,Dr. Michael Mosley recently shared a set of tips This was done as part of a new podcast, “Sleep Well,” aimed at adults struggling to get better sleep.each episode of BBC Sounds podcasts are designed to follow simple, scientifically proven techniques for calming yourself, such as breathing exercises, improving your relationship with your bed, and changing your shower routine.

What techniques do you use to help you sleep better at night?

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