A personal trainer shares 13 signs of a slow metabolism and how to boost your metabolism to reach your weight goal faster.
Sydney native Rachel Attard says metabolism “has a huge impact on health”, especially when it comes to gaining or losing weight.
“Simply put, metabolism is the internal process by which your body uses energy and burns calories,” writes Rachel. Instagram.
“It works 24/7 by converting the food and nutrients you eat into energy.”
According to Rachel, factors that can affect your metabolism include genes, hormones, lack of sleep, diet, dehydration, age, stress, and medications you’re taking.
A personal trainer shared 13 signs of a slow metabolism and how to boost your metabolism to reach your weight goal faster (photo by Rachael Attard).

Rachael (pictured) says factors that can affect your metabolism include genes, hormones, lack of sleep, diet, dehydration, age, stress, and medications you take.
The most common signs of a slowed metabolism include chronic fatigue and low energy, lack of hunger in the morning, and weight gain for no apparent reason.
People with slow metabolisms may also experience constipation, depression, thinning hair, dry skin, brittle nails, brain fog, hair loss, and constant cold.
“Other common symptoms are frequent headaches, a slow pulse, and constant cravings for sugar and carbohydrates,” Rachel said.

But you can deal with your metabolism, PT uses a few simple “tried-and-tested tricks” to give her a boost, like eating a protein-rich breakfast ( photograph).
But you can deal with your metabolism. PT uses a few simple “tried-and-tested tricks” to boost her metabolism, especially after her holiday season when she’s feeling sluggish from overeating and drinking. increase.
The first thing Rachel did was she said drink a hot glass of water and a lemon.
“Lemons are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help the immune system, so they’re a great way to boost your metabolism,” writes Rachel. website.
If you’re looking to boost your metabolism even further, she says, adding cayenne pepper and ginger will help promote a healthy digestive system and “make it easier to boost your metabolism through calories.”

Rachael (pictured) also recommends drinking a glass of warm water with lemon.
Second, fitness experts always recommend drinking ice-cold water. This is because studies have shown that it aids metabolism.
“By drinking cold water, your body has to burn more calories and burn more calories to process it. I found that I could burn % more calories,” said Rachel.
You can also enjoy coffee, as studies have shown that coffee and green tea can also boost your metabolism and increase your daily calorie burn.

Finally, Rachel (pictured) said that increasing muscle mass can surprisingly boost your metabolism.
“There are some foods that naturally boost your metabolism, and protein is one of them,” says Rachael.
“Your body burns far more calories than digesting protein compared to fat and protein.”
For this reason, she recommends a healthy protein smoothie, yogurt, or a protein-rich breakfast like eggs, and is careful to limit sweeteners.
Finally, Rachel said that increasing muscle mass boosts your metabolism amazingly.
According to her, her daily calorie intake consists of three things:
“First, it’s your resting (or basal) metabolic rate, which is how many calories you burn at rest,” she said.
“Next, thermogenesis – how many calories you burn through digestion (this falls into the resting metabolic rate category).
“Finally, it’s your physical activity: how many calories you burn while exercising.”
But your resting or basal metabolic rate (RMR or BMR) accounts for 60-85% of your daily calorie burn, and the only way to increase that is by increasing muscle mass.
PT recommends doing this by lifting weights at the gym or adding resistance training to your workout.
For more information on Rachael Attard, please visit her website. here.