Home Mental Health People’s Pharmacy: Smelly antidepressant pills are a red flag for trouble

People’s Pharmacy: Smelly antidepressant pills are a red flag for trouble

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dear People Pharmacy: You just opened a sealed bottle of Bupropion XL 300 mg. This product seems to be manufactured in India, which makes me worried. But what’s even worse is the terrible smell, like rotten eggs. I have been taking bupropion for years and have never experienced an odor like this.

I don’t think I will ever use this drug. Do you have any advice on how to get the FDA to pay attention to these issues?

A. For more than 17 years, we have complained to the Food and Drug Administration about poor quality generic Wellbutrin (bupropion). That’s when people taking Bupropion XL 300 started reporting that the antidepressant wasn’t working properly.

We asked readers of this column to send us samples of suspect prescriptions. We were surprised by the stench coming from some of these bottles.

The FDA ultimately tested Bupropion XL 300 and found that some products were not bioequivalent to brand-name Wellbutrin. But unfortunately, I still hear from people like you that the pills stink. Chemists at the company that developed the drug revealed that the foul odor indicates decomposition of the compound and a manufacturing problem.

To learn more about this scandal and how to buy brand-name drugs more affordably, check out our e-guide to saving money on medicines. This online resource supports:[Health eGuides]Available from the tab. www.PeoplesPharmacy.com.

Q. There are cracks and scabs on the corners of the mouth. I tried many things, but I couldn’t find a cure. This is very painful.

I’m applying Vaseline, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Suggestions are welcome.

A. What you are describing sounds a lot like angular cheilitis. There are many potential triggers for this common symptom. Vitamin B deficiency may be a contributing factor. In some cases, this inflammation of the corner of the mouth may be associated with a bacterial or yeast infection.

Ask your doctor to test you for vitamin deficiencies and infections. The results may influence treatment strategies such as vitamin supplementation and antifungal and antibacterial ointments. Some people report that applying amber Listerine helps. This old-fashioned mouthwash fights both types of infections.

Avoiding toothpastes that contain SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) can also help. This ingredient can irritate sensitive tissues.

Q. I don’t like all kinds of vegetables, not just those in the cabbage family. Probiotics are also a nightmare. Every time I try them I get terrible gas and bloating.

I have found that gas and bloating digestive enzyme capsules containing alpha-galactosidase enzyme have made a huge difference for me. They are inexpensive and have helped me tremendously with both probiotics and vegetables.

A. Alpha-galactosidase is an enzyme that can break down oligosaccharide compounds found in foods such as broccoli, beans, cabbage, onions, lentils, and dried cherries. Humans do not produce this enzyme, but intestinal bacteria can. Some people find it helpful when taken in capsules like Vino at the beginning of a meal that can cause problems.

Italian researchers conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled trial in children with gas pain (BMC Gastroenterology, September 24, 2013). Those who took the enzyme rather than the placebo had significantly less indigestion.

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Joe and Teresa Graydon respond to letters from readers in their columns. Write to King features, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 or email us through our website. www.PeoplesPharmacy.com. Their latest book is “The Biggest Mistakes Physicians Make and How to Avoid Them.”

(c) 2024 King features Syndicate, Inc.

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