Home Fitness People Have Mixed Reactions To This 61 And 56 Y.O. Couple Documenting Their Fitness Journey

People Have Mixed Reactions To This 61 And 56 Y.O. Couple Documenting Their Fitness Journey

by Universalwellnesssystems

We’ve all heard that in order for a relationship to last, you need to have something in common—hobbies, movies, TV shows, sports—anything you can do together. Also, supporting each other is one of the key components of a healthy and long-lasting relationship. The protagonists of today’s story are united by a “health project” that allows them to have truly healthy relationships, both literally and figuratively.

We all know it’s hard to work out and stay fit. Sometimes it motivates me, sometimes it makes me want to give up, but having someone by your side who inspires you to never give up and walks this path with you makes all the difference.

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Having a partner with the same goals can be very rewarding and can have a huge impact on relationships

Image credit: okdon fit

The happy couple took part in a workout challenge that led to their passion for health.

Image credit: okdon fit

This 56-year-old and 61-year-old happily married couple from South Korea are a great example of “marriage goals.”Well known on social media as okdon fithas over 100,000 followers on Instagram and over 200,000 followers on TikTok.

Couples train together, share morning stretches, meals, routines, vacation routines, family dates, shopping trips, and more. They gain followers by sharing their fitness stories. But their simplicity, love for each other, and style have inspired many of us.

After the challenge was over, a professional photo was taken to celebrate the success.

Image credit: okdon fit

Image credit: okdon fit

The couple’s daily life snippets are heartwarming and make people like them more and more

Image credit: okdon fit

Image credit: okdon fit

Don’t miss your workout even when you’re on vacation

Image credit: okdon fit

Image credit: okdon fit

Their story began at a time when the trend was widespread in South Korea for people to work out for months and share their photos. My husband, as his daughter, decided to give it a try. Grace “He always follows through on what he says.” Soon after, his wife also joined in on this, doing everything together. Grace is the one editing the video, but for this challenge, the two relied solely on each other.

Of course, after the challenge, which included not only a workout but also a diet, I had a professional photo taken. To be honest, it was very charming. But even though that challenge is over, their love of working out hasn’t gone away, making it a daily routine and definitely a passion.

The content consists of morning stretching and cooking videos.

Image credit: okdon fit

Speaking of their youth and connection to sports in general, it’s important to note that the man was a professional kickboxer and his wife was a swimmer until the birth of their first child. Then she started Pilates for back pain, which she heard might help. But all of this led to a shared love of working out together.

This couple is a true inspiration and an example that it’s never too late to be your best self.you can follow them Instagram and tick tock To keep up with their journey!

Image credit: okdon fit

Image credit: okdon fit

People like it not only for fitness journey, but also for fashion.

Image credit: okdon fit

moreover, bored panda Contacted Gina Harney, Personal Trainer, Female Fitness Specialist, PN Nutrition Coach, and Blogger. She kindly agreed to share her expert insight on the benefits of working out for adults and the importance and impact of having a workout partner.

For starters, Gina says having a fitness partner gives her extra motivation and responsibility. “Once you know you are part of a team, you will continue to defend the team,” she said.

Image credit: okdon fit

However, sometimes the experience of having a fitness partner isn’t as heartwarming as a couple. “Sometimes partners and teams start their fitness journeys with enthusiasm, but ultimately the demands of work, personal life, and frequent travel can put fitness on the back burner,” stresses Gina.

Having a fitness partner is beneficial, but it’s important to find your own inner motivation in case your partner loses interest or quits the habit. Fitness experts say it’s important to ask yourself why you want to reach your health and fitness goals, and keep asking yourself until you find a compelling reason.

Image credit: okdon fit

“Sports and physical activity are not only important for maintaining muscle mass as we age, but they can also take a toll on our brains,” Gina said. According to this study, moderate and vigorous physical activity can improve cognitive function. “

And of course, don’t forget to check out Gina Instagram page and her website!

Ladies and gentlemen, we all know that physical activity is beneficial to our health and well-being. So if you lack motivation, try finding a fitness buddy. Have more fun and never give up on each other.

Image credit: okdon fit

Image credit: okdon fit

Despite comments about their unhealthy physique, people online thanked the couple for their inspiration and shared their praises.

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