Home Mental Health Patients on Ozempic are reporting reductions in anxiety and depression

Patients on Ozempic are reporting reductions in anxiety and depression

by Universalwellnesssystems

Patients taking the blockbuster weight loss drug report an extraordinary additional effect of relief from the anxiety and depression that have so far dominated their lives.

Users across the country claim that they feel less nervous since they started taking Ozempic. Some say the depression is gone too.

This drug helps you lose weight by mimicking the GLP-1 hormone. The GLP-1 hormone suppresses hunger, slows down the emptying of the stomach, and keeps you feeling full for longer.

Experts agree that it helps reduce anxiety, but admit it’s unclear whether this is due to weight loss from the drug or other factors.

Currently, it is estimated that 1 in 60 adults in the United States is prescribed Ozempic, its bulking version Wegobee, and another weight-loss drug called Munjaro.

Ozempic works by mimicking the GLP-1 hormone to reduce hunger, slow stomach emptying, and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Researchers from Taiwan found that diabetics taking GLP-1 drugs were less likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder than those not taking GLP-1 drugs.

Researchers from Taiwan found that diabetics taking GLP-1 drugs were less likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder than those not taking GLP-1 drugs.

2020 Research review When examining the ability of the GLP-1 hormone to reduce depression, they found that “GLP-1 is a useful therapeutic modulator of depression.”

Mary Jacobson, M.D., chief medical officer of Palo Alto, Calif.-based telemedicine company Halo Alpha, told DailyMail.com that Ozempic patients reported reduced anxiety.

“About 20 percent of patients who come to us with overweight also present with mental health conditions,” she said.

“Patients taking Ozempic appear to have improved symptoms in terms of validated questionnaire scores for depression and anxiety.”

However, Dr. Jacobson admits it’s unclear why this is the case, as some users may feel better because they’ve lost weight and, as a side effect, have reduced anxiety. I was.

she said: “Did the weight loss make me feel better and less anxious about stigma, public appearances, and self-consciousness, for example?”

She added, “Several studies have shown a reduction in social anxiety, social phobia, bulimia and panic attacks.”

“They may just feel better about themselves, but [there’s] We have no way of knowing how they feel about actual weight loss or the effects of Ozempic on their brain circuits.

“We haven’t revealed it yet, but it certainly seems possible and likely.”

A 2020 study conducted at the China Medical University Hospital in Taiwan examined diabetics taking and not taking a GLP-1 drug.

They found that people taking GLP-1 drugs were less likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

However, some users report increased anxiety.

Dr. Jacobson asks, “If you think about people who are severely obese, how would their lives change if they lost all the weight?” Are they ready for it?

“That’s why behavior modification is so important and collaboration with coaches and others is so important because it’s a big change in life.”

TikTok users report a significant decrease in anxiety.

One user commented, “So much relief from anxiety and Ozempic.” It’s as incredible as it looks.

Another said, “Mr. Munjaro’s pain and anxiety are gone.”i enter [a] A Facebook group with over 90,000 members. Many people say anxiety is better. “

Taking Ozempic and Wegovy also had many negative side effects.

More recently, a growing number of patients have detailed embarrassing and debilitating stomach and toilet symptoms ranging from severe constipation to loss of bowel control.

The issue has become so common that a Reddit group with over 30,000 members was created for users to share their most embarrassing stories.

one user wrote in the thread: “Literally fucking myself in my sleep. It’s the first time I’ve ever had that. After my first injection of semaglutide, I had severe diarrhea for several days.”

Meanwhile, an anonymous 43-year-old Wegovy user said, “As an adult, getting my pants dirty is embarrassing!”

This drug slows down the digestive process, making you feel fuller for longer. This can cause constipation. However, it can also send a signal to the brain that the stomach needs to be emptied quickly, causing diarrhea.

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