Home Mental Health Paternal Perinatal Depression

Paternal Perinatal Depression

by Universalwellnesssystems

As a result of increased cases of perinatal depression in fathers, alternative treatments have been proposed to address and prevent it. See here for them.

How to prevent paternal perinatal depression

Last update: April 28, 2023

Depression is a clinical disorder that can develop during certain times, such as pregnancy and childbirth. In this case, it causes perinatal depression. It can affect both mothers and fathers. In fact, the condition is often associated with women, An increasing number of fathers are experiencing symptoms of perinatal depression.

There are various reasons for the increased diagnosis among fathers. Among them are increased professional awareness and better identification of perinatal depression. In addition, changing gender roles and increased paternal involvement mean that fathers are often more involved in caring for their children (which often comes with pressure).

It is important to understand the importance of preventing perinatal depression. Sadly, in the most severe cases it can lead to suicide. There is also a tendency for the relationship between fathers and children to deteriorate significantly. Here are some guidelines for raising awareness and addressing this issue.

“Depression is the inability to build a future.”


Paternal perinatal depression

The word childbirth can turn the heads of both mothers and fathers. This is not only because of the sensitivity of the event itself, but also because having children requires significant psychosocial changes. give

However, thanks to the growing awareness mentioned earlier, a lot of research on this subject is available today. The Lancet Global Health Reveal factors associated with perinatal depression. In fact, this study found an association between paternal and maternal perinatal depression (Chmielewska). others2021).

This means Both partners often develop symptoms of depression or fully developed clinical disability.

Naturally, the impact on the family system of fathers, mothers and babies is very negative. As research suggests, Parental depression inhibits normal development of infant social skills (Sweeney etc, 2016).Moreover, it constitutes a springboard to various forms of abuse and neglect (Takehara others2017).

“The opposite of melancholy is not happiness, but vitality…”

-Andrew Solomon-

Prevention of paternal perinatal depression

a lot of research has been done On the theme of identifying fathers at high risk of developing perinatal depression (Iwata etc, 2023). In fact, researchers report that: Risk factor(Ansari etc, 2021):

  • stress.
  • Depression in one of the partners.
  • Most satisfied with the relationship.
  • Perception of little social support.
  • infertility treatment.
  • A history of mental health problems.
  • Lack of economic stability.

Various interventions have been developed to minimize the danger. The protocol focuses on three areas: fathers and mothers, couples, and families. (Birkenstock etc, 2023).

“Depression is the world. Depression gets you lost. Depression drops you into a never-ending black hole. You want help, but you can’t…”

-Aaron T. Beck-

Skin-to-skin contact is one of the recommended treatments to prevent paternal perinatal depression.

1. Paternity-centered interventions

This therapy focuses exclusively on the father. The following elements will be covered during the session (Birken etc, 2023):

  • Guidelines for styles and routines. For example, a therapist may teach sleep hygiene and practices related to treating sexual dysfunction, if desired.
  • skin-to-skin contact. This is very powerful. In fact, if the father holds the baby unclothed and touching the chest for at least 30 minutes, perinatal depression in the father can be prevented.
  • Teach practical skills. For example, a therapist might encourage a father to give his partner a massage. This reduces the pain you are experiencing as a result of the physiological changes that occur during childbirth. Additionally, it strengthens their relationship and their biological connection to the processes they are going through.

The core of therapeutic intervention is primarily education.that Attempts to provide fathers with strategies to strengthen the emotional bond with both mothers and newborns.

“At the heart of conscious parenting is the ability to be present in every situation that arises.”

-Shefari Tsavari-

2. Couple-focused interventions

The basis of treatment in this respect is the husband and wife dyad. Its purpose is to prevent depression and promote the quality of the bonds that bind them together. Sessions will cover issues such as both partners being parents “together” and how they must seek help when problems arise.

This therapy also addresses parent-child relationship challenges. We recognize that marital relationships may have undergone certain changes. For example, we spend less time with each other. As a result, the implications of the transition from a “husband-wife pair” to a “dad-mama-baby” triad are debated.

“As a parent and as a business leader, think about your actions, words and reactions, because people are watching and learning.”

-John C. Maxwell-

3. Family-focused interventions

These interventions often include sessions with parents in similar situations. According to Birken etc, In 2023, some of its components are:

  • Education for parents whose children were born prematurely.
  • A psychoeducational mobile app focused on new parents.
  • Behavioral training for parents of newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit.

For mothers Examples of online interventions can be found in the MomMoodBooster program. (Fonseca Pedrero etc, 2021). This scheme is based on cognitive behavioral therapy. Aims to improve symptoms. For example, pessimism, lack of self-esteem, and social isolation.

Family-focused treatment is essential to address the symptoms of postpartum depression.

A Promising Strategy for Treating Paternal Perinatal Depression

As you can see, more and more fathers are being diagnosed with perinatal depression. In addition, this disorder is often associated with maternal perinatal depression.

For this reason, the intervention aims to address the father-husband-wife relationship and the mother-father-baby triad. Their results are promising. That said, more research is needed.

“Self-esteem always improves when depressed people become positive and hopeful.”

-Martin Seligman-

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