Paracetamol has new side effects, study says: how can you avoid drug overdose?
BERLIN: A new side effect of overdosing on paracetamol, the world’s most prescribed painkiller, has been discovered. The 2023 STADA Health Report warns against the unchecked use of paracetamol. In Germany, sales of painkillers are increasing significantly every year. Reports show that one in four people use painkillers at least once a week.
From headaches to fever, paracetamol is prescribed by health professionals. That’s why paracetamol, the most used painkiller around the world, is often kept in every household. However, research shows that excessive intake of paracetamol can cause acidification. Experts from the Federal Institute for Medicines and Medical Devices reportedly found that metabolic acidosis is the main side effect of paracetamol. This causes hyperacidification of the blood. Metabolic acidosis can also cause severe reactions in renal patients.
How to prevent this potential addiction
If you have a habit of resorting to certain medications, such as paracetamol, at the mere smell of symptoms such as headaches or random aches, you may need professional help to keep it under control. According to the Mayo Clinic, overuse of drugs can also lead to problems such as “medication overuse headaches.” Experts don’t yet know why the condition occurs, but say it can lead to a lifelong history of headaches and substance use disorders.
If you are taking the medication more than twice a week, you should contact your doctor for help limiting your dosage. Also, be careful to avoid potential triggers that commonly lead to drug overdose, get enough sleep, eat regularly, stay hydrated, stop smoking, and take steps to reduce stress and better manage your symptoms. There is also a need.
(Information provided by Onmanorama staff)
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