Home Mental Health Panhandle PBS series ‘The Little Things’ teaches mental health strategies

Panhandle PBS series ‘The Little Things’ teaches mental health strategies

by Universalwellnesssystems

Panhandle PBS will air the documentary series “The Little Things” on Thursdays, September 15th at 7pm. A streaming version can be found online at panhandlePBS.org/TheLittleThings.

In 2021, more people around the world are searching for “how to maintain mental health” than ever before. Between the pandemic, politics and personal issues, we are all stressed. Panhandle PBS asked local and national experts for advice and the research behind it.

The result is a new in-depth series on mental health that will premiere on Thursdays at 7pm on Panhandle PBS, panhandlePBS.org and on the station’s social media.

Breathe intentionally. be careful. Movement, connection, creativity — these are more than just buzzwords. They are science-based strategies that help build resilience. Episodes are packed with advice for rewiring your brain with simple new habits. They explain what happens to your brain and body when you experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, and what happens when you practice recovery strategies.

Our brains are just wired to hold a certain amount of trauma, explains licensed professional counselor Missy Gray. At 7 p.m., we're airing a documentary series on mental health called

“Our brains weren’t meant to hold back the pain of the whole world,” Missy Gray, a licensed professional counselor supervisor at Amarillo, said on the series, according to a news release. “They were kind of evolutionarily created to hold the pain of our community. And I don’t think we’re really wired for it.”

Gray joined 30 other local mental health care professionals and consumers in interviews for “The Little Things” series to share their strategies, personal successes and struggles.

Andy Keller, president and CEO of the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, talks about loneliness prevalent.  Panhandle PBS will air a documentary series on mental health called

Nationally recognized experts who provided input include Andy Keller, CEO of the Texas-based Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute; Uma, nutritional psychiatrist and author of “This Is Your Brain on Food”; Dr. Naidoo, and Florence Williams, author of “The Nature.” repair. “

Trauma-informed yoga therapist Lynne Burkett explores the importance of breathing when everything spirals out of control. Panhandle PBS will air

This series is offered in partnership with the Panhandle Behavioral Health Alliance and Texas Panhandle Centers Behavioral and Developmental Health. Support for the series was provided by Bank of America, Amarillo Area Foundation, Amarillo College, Northwest Texas Healthcare System, Street Toyota, and Texas Tech Physicians’ Department of Psychiatry.

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