Home Nutrition Paleo and keto diets bad for health and the planet, says study

Paleo and keto diets bad for health and the planet, says study

by Universalwellnesssystems

The health benefits of meat-based and plant-based diets are often hotly debated both in the research community and by self-proclaimed health experts on social media platforms. The new study adds another checkmark to the plant-based column. This time around, we’re looping through the environmental impacts of choosing a paleo or keto diet over veganism. Researchers hope that it could help

When it comes to more extreme diets, the Paleo and Keto diets are on one side of the field, and veganism is on the other. Vegans avoid all animal products and animal by-products in their diet.

While it’s possible to find studies touting some benefits and some drawbacks to human health from both diets, researchers at Tulane University took a slightly different approach to comparing meal plans. I took Atmosphere versus a plant-based diet. Since carbon dioxide is a major driver of global warming trends, understanding how it is released into the atmosphere will help mitigation efforts.

To summarize the results, the researchers used information from previously developed databases. data field, to track the carbon footprint of different foods. They also examined the nutritional impact of different types of diets by applying point values ​​obtained from the federal government. healthy eating index Data from over 16,000 adults participating in the CDC National Health and Nutrition Survey Research.

They found that for every 1,000 calories consumed, the keto diet produced about 3 kg of carbon dioxide, while the paleo diet released 2.6 kg of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. emits only 0.7 kg of carbon dioxide for every 1,000 calories consumed. In other words, paleo and keto diets emit about four times more greenhouse gases than vegan diets. In the middle of the field, an omnivore that made up 86% of his study subjects, he released 2.2 kg of carbon dioxide per 1,000 calories.

Researchers say if only one-third of omnivores switched to vegetarianism, the environmental impact would be equivalent to removing 340 million miles of carbon emissions from a car every day. That’s it.

On the health side, the study gave the pescatarian diet the highest rating: it releases 1.66 kg of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for every 1,000 calories, making it a kind of compromise between nutritional quality and carbon footprint. Vegan and vegetarian diets followed closely in terms of their high nutritional content, while keto and paleo diets lagged behind.

“Climate change is arguably one of the most pressing issues of our time, and many people are interested in transitioning to a plant-based diet,” said Diego Rose, senior author of the study. “Based on our results, it reduces your footprint and is healthier in general. It shows that there is a way.

This research American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

sauce: Tulane University

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