Home Nutrition Overheating cooking oil can cause hypertension, stroke

Overheating cooking oil can cause hypertension, stroke

by Universalwellnesssystems

Ignatius Onimawo, a professor of public health and nutrition, warns that overheating cooking oils is dangerous, and that eating food cooked in such oils increases the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and stroke. I’m here.

Professor Onimawo, former vice president of Ambrose Ali University in Ekpoma, Edo, warned that overheating vegetable oil converts it to trans fat, and trans fat is harmful to health.

According to him, trans fat is the worst type of fat an individual can eat, has no known health benefits and is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease and stroke worldwide. I am emphasizing

In an interview with PUNCH HealthWise, a nutritionist noted that when vegetable oils are continuously overheated, they are converted into trans fatty acids, which cause inflammation.

As the former president of the Nigerian Nutrition Association explained: Oil turns into trans fatty acids.

“When you are frying, the temperature of the oil is high. If you then use the same oil again, the temperature will be higher.

“By the third or fourth use, the fatty acids have changed. They are converted into what are called trans-fatty acids.

“These trans fats are the cause of cardiovascular disease. They can even cause more cardiovascular disease than saturated fats.

“That’s why people usually advise that if the oil has been used more than once or twice, it’s better to throw it away.”

The Mayo Clinic, a medical center focused on integrated health care, education and research, says trans fat is considered the worst type of fat.

“Unlike other dietary fats, trans fats, also called trans fats, raise ‘bad’ cholesterol and lower ‘good’ cholesterol.

“Diets high in trans fat increase the risk of heart disease, a killer in adults. The more trans fat you eat, the higher your risk of heart and blood vessel disease,” says the clinic.

Don continued.

“Sometimes they form these plagues along some organs.

“Most saturated acids by themselves cause fat to deposit in your tissues, which puts pressure on your arteries and veins.

“They deposit fat inside and sometimes outside the arteries through which blood passes.”

Professor Onimawo said fat accumulation around and in blood vessels can lead to high blood pressure.

“They (trans-fatty acids) stiffened arteries that were supposed to be flexible. So when the plague is present, that particular blood vessel becomes inflexible.”

“So if you’re not flexible, you can’t scale to accommodate.

If it continues, blood pressure will start to rise, which may be the source of high blood pressure.

“If this continues, we know that high blood pressure is a precursor to many things related to heart disease,” the nutritionist noted.

The World Health Organization says there is evidence that heating and frying oil at high temperatures increases trans fat levels.

According to the WHO, trans fats increase the risk of heart disease and heart disease death by 28%.

“On average, trans fat levels have been found to increase by 3.67 g/100g after heating and 3.57 g/100g after frying.

“Approximately 540,000 people die each year from the consumption of industrially produced trans fats.

“High trans fat intake increases the risk of death from any cause by 34%, the risk of death from coronary heart disease by 28%, and the risk of death from coronary heart disease by 21%.

“This is probably due to its effects on lipid levels. Trans fats increase LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels and lower HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. not,” the WHO said.

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