Home Medicine Over-the-counter Narcan: Availability, cost, and how to administer

Over-the-counter Narcan: Availability, cost, and how to administer

by Universalwellnesssystems

NarkanA drug that can reverse an opioid overdose within minutes will soon be available over-the-counter in drugstores.

Narcan was first approved for over-the-counter purchases by the Federal Drug Administration in March and is shipping to drugstores, pharmacies, grocery stores and online retailers including Walgreens, CVS, Walmart and Rite Aid. It will be in stores in September, The manufacturer, Emergent BioSolutions, said:.

Walgreens announced The Narcan will be in stock online as early as September 5th and will be available nationwide on September 7th. The suggested retail price for Emergent BioSolutions is $44.99 for two doses.

Narcan (also known by its generic name naloxone) is the first drug to reverse opioid overdose sold without a prescriptionimprove the availability of previously used medicines. Shown to reduce opioid deaths nationally.is more than 80,000 Americans will die from opioid overdoses in 2021up from 68,630 in 2020.

“Seeing it on the shelves is a great reminder that the opioid crisis is affecting every county in the country,” said Sean, Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Coordinator. Westphal says. prevention points philadelphiais a non-profit organization working to reduce the harm associated with drug use.

Previously, naloxone was available in pharmacies to anyone who wanted it without a prescription. Not all pharmacies carry it. As reported by Vox’s Dylan Scott, this forced people to ask pharmacists directly for their meds. The difference is that soon, consumers will be able to pick up their medicines from the shelf themselves (or pick up a medicine ticket and bring it to the counter to pick it up and buy it). is.

But most of the 17 million doses of naloxone distributed in 2021 were not sold in pharmacies, but were instead administered by hospitals, doctors, health departments, harm reduction groups, first responders, schools and community health agencies, Scott said. reported. Local nonprofits such as Philadelphia and Harm His Reduction organization also offer, and will continue to offer, the following services: Free naloxone kit.

No shortage of needs. During Prevention Point Philadelphia’s fiscal year ending July 31, 2023, the nonprofit distributed his 95,644 doses of the drug, triple his number distributed the previous year. “We hope that naloxone becoming an over-the-counter drug will help reduce some of the stigma associated with opioid use and the purchase and possession of naloxone,” Westphal said.

How does Narkan work and who does it help?

Naloxone works by blocking the effects of opioids, such as heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioid drugs, on receptors in the brain. Overdoses of opioids can dangerously suppress breathing, but this drug restores normal breathing within a few minutes after administration.

Through our efforts to date, Naloxone increased nearly 785% from 2016 to 2021but Research suggests It is likely that more widespread access to naloxone will be needed to meet current needs. Presence on the shelves of major drugstores ensures that more people are aware of and have access to naloxone. Nearly half of overdose deaths in 2021 occurred when other people were nearby. Many fatalities could be prevented if bystanders were on naloxone.

It’s difficult to estimate how many lives could be saved with increased access to naloxone, but Westphal said easier access to naloxone could reduce the number of deaths. Anyone who uses or knows someone who uses opioids can benefit from naloxone, which is readily available at drugstores.

Who Should Carry Narkan?

Westphal says everyone should carry naloxone and know how to use it, even if they don’t consider themselves to be close to drug users.of Signs of Opioid Overdose Symptoms include an extremely pale or slimy face, limpness, blue or purple nails and lips, vomiting or gurgling, slowed or stopped breathing, inability to speak, and inability to wake up. It is included.

to manage To use naloxone, tilt the person’s head back and insert the tip of the spray into either nostril until a finger touches the nose. Firmly press the plunger with your thumb. Make sure the dosage has not passed its expiration date. but, research result Expired naloxone can still be effective years after it expires, so if you only have the expired dose on hand, using it is better than not using it at all.

Naloxone is incredibly safe and no ill effects It is intended for people who have not overdosed on opioids. “Naloxone does nothing for them, for better or worse,” says Westfahl. “In fact, we sometimes give naloxone to unresponsive people to rule out an opioid overdose.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Carrying around naloxone is likened to carrying an epipen: If needed, life-saving medicine should be made available.

Accessibility remains a challenge

Increasing awareness of Narcan is a welcome step in addressing the opioid crisis, but many factors continue to make access difficult for the public. The $45 price tag can be exorbitant, especially for homeless and financially insecure people, Westfahl said. Westfahl hopes to distribute vouchers and coupons to customers to help reduce costs.

Due to the current price of Narcan, it is imperative that local harm reduction programs continue to distribute free naloxone to vulnerable communities.

“It is very important to maintain existing methods of naloxone expansion, including regional distribution models and insurance coverage, to ensure as much access as possible,” he said. Elizabeth Salisbury-Afshar, Physician in Addiction Medicine at the University of California, Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. “Many community distribution programs have been able to strategically focus on getting naloxone to the people and communities most affected by overdoses, and this needs to remain central to our strategy.” there is.”

In-store presentations can also be a deterrent. If a Narcan is locked behind a drugstore display and an employee has to open the case, it could turn off the customer. Walgreens says Instead of keeping the Narcan in a locked case, customers are asked to remove the Narcan card from the shelf in the store and take it to the cash register or pharmacy to purchase. Other drugstores said Narcan is available in the pain reliever and over-the-counter aisles or at pharmacy counters. CBS News reported.

Another concern is future coverage of Narkan by insurance companies. “When a drug is sold over the counter, insurance coverage for that drug may be terminated,” said Salisbury-Afshar. “Now that naloxone is available over-the-counter, we are watching how insurance companies approach naloxone. [cover] Naloxone…despite over-the-counter options. “

what’s next

Earlier this summer, the FDA New emergency treatment approved for opioid overdose For storefront: RiVive. Harm Reduction Therapeutics, the manufacturer of this drug, RiVive expected to be available by early 2024. RiVive will reportedly sell for $36 for a two-pack. According to CBS News. A second, cheaper opioid overdose treatment may alleviate concerns about cost and accessibility.

“We are thrilled that naloxone will be available over the counter,” Westphal said. “It’s been a long time coming. As naloxone becomes more readily available, the hope is that the number of fatal overdoses will begin to decline more significantly.”

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