Home Medicine Over 40 batches of drugs are ‘not of standard’: CDSCO survey | India News

Over 40 batches of drugs are ‘not of standard’: CDSCO survey | India News

by Universalwellnesssystems

NEW DELHI: More than 40 lots of medicines sold in the market did not meet standard quality (NSQ), authorities have found. Central Pharmaceutical Standards Control Organization Latest research by (CDSCO).
CDSCO, the peak body responsible for approving new drugs and clinical trials, has issued a warning on this.
According to the latest data, 41 lots of medicines manufactured by various companies in November were found to be of substandard quality.
This included some of the medications prescribed for common conditions such as fever, acid reflux, and blood clot reduction. Identification of a drug sample as an NSQ is based on the drug sample’s failure in any of the specified quality parameters. Officials said the defect was specific to a batch of medicines tested by the government. Recently, CDSCO introduced new guidelines for testing. He said all drug inspectors in the country are required to collect at least 10 samples a month. 9 pharmaceutical samples and 1 cosmetic/medical device sample.

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