Home Fitness Over 10 Hours Of Daily Sedentary Time Hikes Dementia Risk, According To Study

Over 10 Hours Of Daily Sedentary Time Hikes Dementia Risk, According To Study

by Universalwellnesssystems

Okay, I admit it. Working out sucks. So I said that, and I’m not alone. He’s among the 40% of Americans who would rather sit on the duff than exercise, following the advice of the late comedian Joan Rivers: If God wanted me to bend down, I would have put a diamond on the floor. ” There is growing evidence that sitting too much, even if you are not exercising, is one of the biggest health hazards. statistics show Half of U.S. adults spend more than 9.5 hours a day sitting in a car, at a desk, or in front of a screen, including more than 80% of their leisure time.

Please do not park for a long time

Survey of 2,000 remote and hybrid workers We found that 60% of employees say their mobility has decreased due to 50% or more working remotely. The average remote worker commutes just 16 steps from his bed to his workstation. On a typical remote work day, one in three workers sit in their work chair all day, and 63% walk only to go to the bathroom or kitchen. Meanwhile, 24% of remote workers never leave their home. Nearly half of all remote workers estimate that they take fewer than 1,000 steps during their workday, despite health experts recommending his 8,000 steps per day. Masu. Additionally, 50% reported increased lower back pain, 48% reported increased shoulder pain, and 52% reported increased eye strain.

What’s wrong with this photo? The human body is not designed to sit for long periods of time. Sitting for long periods of time reduces blood and oxygen flow, causing weight gain and leading to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Studies have also found that being a desk potato can be just as harmful as smoking, actually shortening your lifespan and increasing your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 80%.Furthermore, it is Increased risk of dementia Not to mention the shortened career trajectory for adults over 60 who sit for more than 10 hours a day.

A study by the American Cancer Society found that women who sat for more than six hours a day were 34% more likely to die than women who were more active. The same figure for men was 18%. Conversely, the American College of Sports Medicine reports that workers who exercise at least 45 minutes a week take 25 to 50 percent less sick leave. British scientists also report that middle-aged people who exercise at least twice a week are 60% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than couch potatoes. Something is working here.

motion is the lotion

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends physical activity at work as well as during leisure activities to improve and maintain good health. Exercising regularly reduces your risk of developing anxiety by almost 60%. If you don’t have time to go to the gym for a tough workout, practice gentle forms of exercise in between your desk commitments. Experts say even just standing up at your desk instead of sitting down can help. You can get the benefits of exercise just by not sitting down. Here are some examples of how to move your body and improve your mental and physical health.

1- Move towards the desk. Simply moving around can reduce your risk of sudden cardiac arrest by 92%. It takes a few seconds to reach the high. Feel the stretch as you stretch your body, notice where there is tension and then release it. Shake the part of your body that feels tense. As you continue stretching, focus your attention on the parts of your body that remain stiff. As you bend down and touch your toes, feel the tension in your body release and stretch. Consider taking him for a short 5-minute walk outdoors on a nice day or walking him up and down the stairs in bad weather.

2- Go up the stairs. the study Climb four flights of stairs in less than one minute and you’ll know your heart is healthy. So instead of taking the elevator to the office, sneak in a few minutes of exercise by walking up and down the stairs every day.

3- Take an “awe walk.” the study A short, brisk walk in nature reduces the stress of the workday, increases and maintains energy levels, and recalibrates a tired brain. And your performance will be better after a walk in a green space or park than on a noisy city street. Surrounding yourself with green spaces reduces anxiety and rumination, which improves depression. Instead of eating lunch at your desk, find a place to eat in a park, arboretum, or natural setting.

4- Practice the 20-20-20 rule. Set an alarm or time pop-up to remind you to get up from your workstation every 20 minutes when you’re working in front of a screen. It takes 20 seconds for your eyes to fully relax. Every 20 minutes, spend 20 seconds walking around your room, going up and down the stairs, or looking out the window. Perhaps look at a tree, squirrel, or some piece of nature.

5- Practice chair yoga at your desk between meetings. Sit in a chair, inhale and raise your arms toward the ceiling. Slide your shoulder blades into your back while extending your fingertips upward. Keep your sitting bones in the seat and reach out from there. Place your left hand on your right knee and your right arm on the back of the chair. Stretch gently for 60 seconds. Place your right hand on your left knee and your left arm on the back of the chair and hold for another 60 seconds. After 3 to 5 minutes, you will notice renewed energy and mental clarity. Then you’ll be ready to get back into the game.

6- Practice high-intensity interval training. After lunch or after work, change into your workout clothes and hit the gym for some weight training, or jog around the corner to relieve stress. According to research, High-intensity interval training strengthens your heart even more than moderate exercise. Your battery will be charged, your energy will be restored, and you’ll be able to return to your desk with a clear head.

So let’s move. Stand, walk, run, dance, stretch, and bend. The key to health and longevity at work doesn’t lie in your office desk chair or your La-Z-Boy. It’s in your Stairmaster, your swimsuit, and your running shoes.

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