Home Health Care ‘Outrageous’ fees outpace charity care at Indiana nonprofit hospitals

‘Outrageous’ fees outpace charity care at Indiana nonprofit hospitals

by Universalwellnesssystems

Non-profit hospitals should operate like charities, providing affordable health care to those in need while improving their communities in exchange for massive tax breaks. But really all over the country- Including here in Indiana – Non-profit hospitals implement toxic policies that put profits before patients.

Recently, the vicious and profit-seeking behavior of non-profit hospitals across the country has new york times, Axiosdocumentary film unkind unkind, INNOVATION FOR JUSTICE etc. Health care consumers in Indiana, like people across the country, are feeling the impact of nonprofit hospitals acting like big corporations.

Non-profit hospitals in Indiana have “Fair share deficit” $513 million total. In other words, Indiana’s nonprofit hospitals got him a whopping $513 million more in tax credits than he spent on charitable health care for low-income patients and benefiting his community.This is a non-profit hospital Reduce spending on charity care Better than for-profit hospitals of comparable size.

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