Home Nutrition Our ‘food environments’ affect what we eat. Here’s how you can change yours to support healthier eating

Our ‘food environments’ affect what we eat. Here’s how you can change yours to support healthier eating

by Universalwellnesssystems

In January, many people make New Year's resolutions about healthy eating. Achieving these is often difficult, and changing eating habits can be difficult.But a healthy diet can enhance the effect physically and mental healthTherefore, improving what you eat is a worthy goal.

One of the reasons why it is difficult to change your eating habits is related to your food environment.this semester I will explain:

The collective physical, economic, policy, and sociocultural environments, opportunities, and conditions that influence people's food and drink choices and nutritional status.

Our current food environment is designed to make it easier to choose unhealthy foods over healthy ones. However, it is possible to change certain aspects of our personal eating environment to make eating healthier a little easier.

unhealthy food environment

Finding fast food restaurants in Australian cities isn't difficult. On the other hand, there is junk food At supermarket checkouts, gas stations, sports venues, etc.Takeout and packaged food and beverages arrive regularly most sizes And it's often considered tastier than healthier options.

Our food environment also provides various stimuli through media and advertising that encourage us to eat unhealthy foods. Health and nutrition claims Attractive marketing images on food packaging.

Supermarkets often promote unhealthy foods through prominent displays and discounts.

Also, in our daily lives, we are exposed to various situations that make it difficult to eat healthy. For example, at social events or work settings, unhealthy foods may be served in large quantities.

Read more: No, it's not just a lack of control that makes Australians overweight.Here are the causes of our unhealthy eating habits

Not everyone is affected in the same way

People vary in the degree to which their food intake is affected by: their food environment.

This is based on biological factors (such as genetics and hormones), psychological characteristics (such as decision-making processes and personality traits), and previous experience with food (learned associations between food and certain situations or emotions). (e.g. gender).

Highly sensitive people are more likely to eat more; eat more unhealthy food than people who are less affected by food environments and situations.

Susceptible people should pay more attention to the following points food cue When we receive stimuli such as advertisements or the smell of cooking, our desire to eat becomes stronger. On the other hand, you may not pay as much attention to your body's internal cues that tell you when you're hungry or full. These differences are due to a combination of biological and psychological characteristics.

These people may also be more likely to experience physiological response It responds to food cues, such as changes in heart rate and increased salivation.

Eating junk food in front of the TV is common.
PR Image Factory/Shutterstock

For some people, other situational cues may prompt them to eat, depending on what they have eaten. learned about eating. Some of us tend to eat when we're tired or in a bad mood, but over time we've learned that eating can be comforting in those situations.

others tend to eat situation For example, in the car on the way home from work (possibly passing multiple fast food restaurants on the way), or at certain times, such as after dinner, or when other people around you are eating. learned associations Between these situations and meals.

What's in front of me TV or other screen It can also encourage people to eat unhealthy foods or eat more than they intended.

Read more: Appetite for convenience: How the proliferation of online food delivery could be harmful to our health

make changes

Although we cannot change the wide range of dietary environmental and individual characteristics that influence sensitivity to food cues, we can modulate how and when we are influenced by food cues. You can then restructure some aspects of your personal food environment. can help If you are working towards healthier eating goals.

Although both meals and snacks are important to the overall quality of your diet, Snacks are often unplannedThis means that the environment and context in which we eat can have a huge impact on what we eat.

Foods consumed as snacks include sweet drinks, sweets, chips, and cakes.However, snacks are also possible become healthy (fruits, nuts, seeds, etc.).

Remove unhealthy foods from your home, especially packaged snacks, or avoid buying them in the first place. This means less temptation, which is especially helpful for people who are easily influenced by their food environment.

A human hand takes a bag of almonds from the shelf.
Try replacing processed snacks with healthier options.
Sergey Ryzov/Shutterstock

Planning social events around activities other than eating can reduce the social influence on eating. For example, instead of having lunch at a fast food restaurant, why not go for a walk with a friend?

Creating certain rules and habits can help reduce food triggers. For example, not eating at your desk, in your car, or in front of the TV will reduce the impact of these situations as cues to eat over time.

You can also keep a food diary to identify what moods and emotions trigger your eating. Once you've identified these triggers, create a plan to break these habits. Strategies may include doing another activity that you enjoy, such as taking a short walk or listening to music. Anything that helps me manage my moods and emotions usually involves reaching for the fridge.

Write (and stick to) a shopping list and avoid buying food when you're hungry. Plan and prepare meals and snacks in advance so that you can make meal decisions in advance, especially in situations where you might feel hungry or tired or affected by your eating environment.

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