Home Fitness Our Favorite Workouts of 2024, So Far

Our Favorite Workouts of 2024, So Far

by Universalwellnesssystems

The sun is out, the days are long, and it feels like everyone is outside working out. Building a fitness habit requires dedication and creativity, but summer is the perfect time to get started.

Being disciplined when it comes to exercise doesn’t mean you have to be a gym goer or a marathon runner. Finding a way to exercise that makes you happy is also important in developing a sustainable routine.

Of course, the first step happens before you even tie your shoelaces. We all have our favorite excuses for not exercising, but some of them can be paralyzing. The solution starts with setting comfortable expectations and holding yourself accountable. You might have to scratch your head sometimes to get started, but the most important thing is to persist and forgive yourself when you set back.

Here are some of our favorite workouts so far this year, catering to a variety of goals, whether that’s lifting 230 pounds on the bench press, honing your pickleball skills, or simply fitting in a high-intensity routine when you barely have time to exercise.

We’ve written many times about the importance of building and maintaining strength, especially as we get older. But you need more than just strength. You also need power, the ability to exert force quickly. Strength helps you dig out snow with a shovel; power helps you dump it. Strength gets you in a chair, but power gets you up again.

Powering up isn’t hard, but it does require focused effort. First, try our 30-second power test to see where you stand. Then try some shorter workouts to get started on your path to true power.

Even if you’re strength training every week or even twice a week, it’s easy to fall into a routine and plateau. And while any form of strength training is good, it’s also important to know how to build on it.

If you want to break through to the next level, the key is what experts call “progressive loading.” It’s a simple concept — steadily increasing the weight or intensity of your exercises each week — but it can be hard to implement in practice. Here’s a three-month program to help you figure out how far you can push yourself without overdoing it.

Over the past decade, a quiet revolution has been taking place in the world of exercise. You might see your trainer suggesting you crawl like a bear or adding crab walking to your favorite HIIT workout.

These animal-inspired exercises go by a variety of names, but they’re a great way to build functional strength that will help you in your daily life. They might seem a little silly at first, but they generally require no equipment and can be done anywhere. This workout will help you get started.

Anyone who has tried pickleball will tell you it’s fun, addictive, and with a lot of sprinting and side-to-side movement, it’s pretty good for your health. But like any other form of exercise, it’s not all covered.

In this article, we’ll present a series of exercises to improve your pickleball game while also filling in the gaps that everyone’s favorite paddle game may leave in your exercise plan, including strength training and endurance-boosting cardiovascular exercises.

A leisurely bike ride to your favorite picnic spot is one of the great pleasures of summer. But let’s be honest, it’s not exactly strenuous exercise, right?

If you love riding bikes but have never tried a proper bike workout, consider stepping it up a notch. Any bike will do; even that dusty old cruiser in your garage can be an effective fitness tool with the right strategy.

Although sex isn’t something you can (or should) do at the gym, it’s still exercise: Sex requires stamina, strength, and the ability to do short bursts of intense exercise.

And you can get better with training. Sure, increasing your cardio is important, but how strong are your pelvic floor muscles? What about your hips and core? If you want a more satisfying sexual experience, try adding some of these exercises to your routine.

Pilates is typically associated with fancy studios and spring-loaded equipment, but you can do a quick session without leaving the house or buying any special equipment.

Here are some 10-minute routines you can do in lieu of a studio workout when time is limited.

High-intensity interval training may be the most efficient and exhausting workout out there, but not everyone is capable of performing the jumps and other high-impact moves that make up most HIIT routines.

High-intensity, low-impact interval training (HILIT) is an effective alternative. Our 20-minute workouts are just as intense as HIIT, but with an emphasis on movements that are easier on your bones and joints.

One of the most effective workouts is also the simplest: just run as fast as you can. For some people, jogging just isn’t enough. They want to feel the wind in their hair as they sprint.

If speed is what you’re looking for in your training, it can be done safely if you’re properly trained. Like any intense exercise, sprinting requires planning and attention to your body’s signals. And it’s best to stay away from your local track, at least at first.

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