Home Products Our Brains Are Getting Bigger

Our Brains Are Getting Bigger

by Universalwellnesssystems

There are many theories that humans are like this, becoming stupid, there is evidence that our brains are actually getting bigger. Researchers at the University of California, Davis Health announced that when they compared the MRIs of people born in the 1930s to those born in the 1970s, they found that both volume and surface area were increased. newswise. And a larger brain could mean a reduced risk of dementia.

  • 75 years of research: The study is part of the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), which began 75 years ago and is tracking thousands of participants, some second and third generation, through a variety of health markers.This recent paper Analyzing the brain size of 3,226 people between 1999 and 2019, researchers found that participants born in the 1970s had a 6.6% increase in brain volume and a 15% increase in brain surface area.
  • why Is your brain growing? Improved nutritional status during critical developmental periods during pregnancy and childhood is seen as a major contributing factor. Earth.com.
  • dementia: So how does this relate to dementia? “Larger brain structures such as those observed in our study may reflect improved brain development and improved brain health,” says lead author Dr. Charles DeCarli. “The larger the brain structure, the greater the brain reserve, which may buffer against the later effects of age-related brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.”
  • Not the whole picture: Neuroscience news and research They noted that study participants were healthy, well-educated, and primarily non-Hispanic white. “Current evidence indicates that sociocultural disparities and health disparities, which are more prevalent among nonwhites in the United States, can negatively impact brain health,” the study authors noted. .
  • ancient brain: FHS research dates back 75 years. CNN Researchers report that archives of ancient human brains could give researchers insight into which brain diseases are older than others. Scientists have cataloged more than 4,000 such brains, some of which date back 12,000 years. popular mechanisms. As they explain, Proceedings of the Royal Society BScientists are also trying to better understand how soft tissue can survive so long under certain circumstances.

(It seems that the ancient Greeks did not suffer from dementia.)

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