Home Medicine Oregon health Q&A: Can my doctor legally send a prescription to a pharmacy in Canada?

Oregon health Q&A: Can my doctor legally send a prescription to a pharmacy in Canada?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Questions can be answered by Oregon Department of Health experts, other state agencies, or community partners. Questions and answers will be reissued by permission. The newsletter took a break this week, so these questions and answers are from our previous newsletter.

Q: My healthcare provider said that by Oregon law it is illegal to send prescriptions electronically to pharmacies in Canada. Purchases from Canada saved me thousands of dollars. Having to get a paper prescription is a hassle. Can you confirm that this is Oregon law? I had never heard of it. The Oregon Pharmacy Committee is unable to provide answers, and the Oregon Medical Committee is not answering my questions. – Teresa, Aloha

A: Teresa, this is such a complicated question, so I regret not getting the answer, but we are not surprised. There are multiple entities, laws and regulations equivalent to the Oregon Medical Board, the Canadian Medical Board where the pharmacy is located, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Canadian FDA.

The simple answer is generally US providers May They send prescriptions electronically to Canadian pharmacies, but whether the pharmacies will fill them up is another question. However, whether the prescription is in electronic or paper form, Canadian pharmacies usually need to work with Canadian providers to obtain a new prescription of the drug (a process known as “codging”) before distributing it to patients, allowing only 90-day supply.

That said, many people will depend on the type of medicine, regardless of whether they are approved by the FDA and the massive amount of discretion exercised by officials on both sides of the border. So, unfortunately there is no easy answer to your question.

However, we must not return the drug to the US for personal use. US Drug Import Law. Additionally, Florida is permitted by the FDA Import specific prescription drugs They join the US to reduce consumer costs, and a few other states work to do the same (Oregon is not one of them).

– From May 2024

Q: Looking for resources on the best ways to remove firearms from your adult son’s house. He acknowledged the idea of ​​anxiety and depression, ADHD, and suicide (he has minimized). He looks at the therapist, but wants to focus on ADHD. I don’t know if he discussed his true level of depression or the fact that he has a gun in his home (stored in a locked container). I don’t want to escalate the situation, but I want him to be safe. I thought the therapist would deal with this, but if she had it, I didn’t see any change. I don’t want to be involved in law enforcement. He is a loved one and is married to a young child. Help? – Anonymous, Hillsboro

A: There are several options that may be considered to help my son. You can call 988 any time (Or chat online), or encourage your son to do so for confidential support and resources. You can also contact the Washington County Crisis Line at 503-291-9111, or Their websiteAdditional information includes methods to pursue Extreme risk protection order(ERPO). An ERPO is a court order to prevent anyone at risk of hurting themselves or possessing or acquiring deadly weapons, including firearms. For more information about Washington County ERPOS, call 503-846-2857. Family members (only for spouses, parents, children or siblings), household members, or intimate partners can apply for an ERPO on behalf of their loved one.

You might look into it too Nami Oregonthe Oregon branch of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. They have local offices throughout Oregon and provide free peer support and resources for you and your family, including support groups, classes, workshops and more. for you, Nami Washington County Branch There is a robust support group program and you might think that a weekly “family support group” will be useful. There is also a special “drop-in” policy that allows anyone to drop on Mondays. I’ll talk to someone (10am to 6pm to 6pm) and on Fridays (10am to 4pm). No reservations are required. They are located at 18680 SW Show Street (503-356-6835) in Aloha.

If people want to connect with Nami’s office nearby, they Search this list of the 17th Oregon chapter. You can find crisis lines for all counties in Oregon here.

– From November 2024

If you have any questions about the Oregon Department of Health Health, please contact us. Submit your question here. The agency cannot answer all questions, but it tries to address questions that interest a wide audience. Understand that OHAs cannot provide specific medical advice for individuals’ medical conditions.

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