Home Products Only 14% of diagnosed cancers in the US are detected by screening, report says

Only 14% of diagnosed cancers in the US are detected by screening, report says

by Universalwellnesssystems


A small percentage (14.1%) of all cancers diagnosed in the United States are detected by screening with recommended screening tests, according to a new report.

The rest of the cancers that are diagnosed tend to be discovered when someone has symptoms or seeks imaging tests or medical care for other reasons, suggesting that. reports, online submissions Wednesday by researchers at non-profit research institutes University of Chicago NORC.

“I was shocked that only 14% of cancers were screen-detected. We talk about mammograms and colonoscopies all the time,” said Caroline Pearson, author of the report and senior vice president of the organization.

However, “screening tests are not available for the vast majority of cancer types,” Pearson said.

In the technical report 4 types of cancerchest, neck, colorectal When lung – Have undergone screening tests recommended for use by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, and the percentage of screen-detected cancers varies among these types. 61% of breast cancer, 52% of cervical cancer, 45% of colorectal cancer and 3% of lung cancer. The report also contains the following data: prostate cancernevertheless Screening for prostate cancer is not widely recommendeddata suggest that 77% of prostate cancers are detected by screening.

This report has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal and is based on data from 2017. However, Pearson said, subsequent studies have shown that cancer screening rates declined early in the Covid-19 pandemic. She thinks the rate of cancer detected by screening could be even lower than the rate found in the new report.

“I think the rate of screen-detected cancers has definitely gone down as a result of the pandemic. “Therefore, with reduced screening, fewer cancers are diagnosed as such, and that is certainly what the data will address.”

For the new report, Pearson and her colleagues use data from the National Cancer Institute on the incidence of diagnosed cancers, national screening rates from the National Health Interview Survey, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Action Several studies on risk factor surveillance systems and cancer detection rates.

There isn’t much data in the medical literature about screen-detected cancers, she said, adding that reports have written about the importance of cancer screening, the need for more testing, and how cancer is detected. She added that she hopes to draw attention to the need for more data in the United States, including the critical role screening tests play in the early detection of cancer.

“To truly understand how cancer affects different populations and how we can improve equity, much more robust data and analysis will help,” said Pearson. I’m here. “For researchers around the world, we want to delve into some of these estimates, and some of the geographic variations we see, to see how they shape the public policy environment to improve treatment across nations. We want you to understand how we can start improving screening across the country.”

Dr. Otis Brawley, a professor of oncology at Johns Hopkins University, said he was not surprised by the new report’s results.

“Everyone has been tricked into believing that screening is better than it actually is,” said Brawley, who was not involved with the new report. “We need to invest in research to find better tests.” there is.”

For breast cancer, for example, “clinical trials show that 25% of people who are destined to die from breast cancer can be prevented from dying from it,” he said. About 60% of women are screened, which means that only about 15% of destined deaths can be prevented. I mean.”

While people in the United States can benefit from following cancer prevention measures such as getting screened and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the general public can also benefit from better screening tests. increase.

“We spend a lot of time pushing screenings and pushing screening tests. Sure, they save lives, but we need to be able to save more lives. ‘ he said. “I need something better.”

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