Home Fitness One Type of Exercise Could Alleviate And Even Delay Alzheimer’s Symptoms : ScienceAlert

One Type of Exercise Could Alleviate And Even Delay Alzheimer’s Symptoms : ScienceAlert

by Universalwellnesssystems

Exercising your muscles may help delay the onset of symptoms. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease revealed by researchers.

Researchers from the Federal University of São Paulo and the University of São Paulo, Brazil, found strong evidence that: resistance training Where muscles work against weight and force, it can have significant effects on the brains of people with dementia.

Before you rush to renew your gym membership or upgrade your home exercise equipment, it’s worth keeping in mind that: Mouse model studies. Nonetheless, the same principle could apply to humans as well.

“This confirms that physical activity can reverse the neuropathological changes that drive the clinical manifestations of the disease.” To tell Neuroscientist Enrique Correia Campos of the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) said:

Mice with a genetic mutation that causes the accumulation of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain, as seen in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, were compared with mice without the mutation after a four-week resistance exercise training program using ladders and weights. .

Not only was post-exercise plaque accumulation reduced, but plasma levels of the hormone corticosterone in weight-trained mice were similar to those in control group mice. Corticosterone is the human equivalent of cortisol. Cortisol is produced when the body is under stress and was previously associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are to wander For restlessness in mice, the researchers also tested beta-amyloid plaque mice for anxiety. Resistance training seems to have helped here as well.

“We also observed animal behavior to assess anxiety in the open-field test and found that resistance exercise reduced hyperlocomotion to levels similar to controls in mice with a phenotype associated with Alzheimer’s disease. got it.” To tell Deidian Elisa Ribeiro, a neuroscientist at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, said:

Aside from bearing in mind potential differences in mouse and human physiology, the exact role protein plaques play in Alzheimer’s disease is still debated and the extent to which resistance training benefits dementia patients. There is room for debate as to whether

Still, there are few downsides to resistance training, especially as you age. increased muscle mass and strength, increase bone density, helps with balance and makes it easier to perform daily tasks. It’s also one of those exercises that’s easy to stick with as you age, so there’s little excuse not to add it to your daily routine. The sooner the better!

Research so far The researchers are looking at how this particular type of exercise can strengthen connections in the brain that are likely to break once dementia sets in, and hypothesize that it may show similar effects. Such activities then appear to not only reduce symptoms but also prevent dementia. Human, of course.

Scientists are still trying to figure out the connection between Alzheimer’s disease, its root causes, and the general effects of aging on the body, but resistance training can help in all three areas.

“We believe that the main reason for this effect is the anti-inflammatory effect of resistance exercise.” To tell Unifes Neurophysiologist Beatriz Monteiro Longo.

This research Frontiers of Neuroscience.

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