Home Fitness One Key to Beating Depression Without Medication

One Key to Beating Depression Without Medication

by Universalwellnesssystems

Source: Photo by Alonso Reyes on Unsplash

Depression takes the joy out of life and can crush your spirit over time. Optimism will be a thing of the past. It’s hard to imagine feeling energetic. Confidence evaporates and is replaced by self-doubt and apathy.

Because of this mental condition, it’s no surprise that many people turn to antidepressants to relieve symptoms. Although this group of drugs is a blessing to many people, antidepressants also have significant drawbacks. For example, less than 50 percent of people respond well within the first 8 weeks of starting antidepressants, and only 60 percent respond well within the first 3 months.1

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Even for those who respond favorably, there are common side effects to consider. These may include weight gain, irritability, insomnia, feeling emotionally numb, and loss of sex drive.

With all these drawbacks in mind, what do you think about another approach to solving depression that doesn’t have any of these drawbacks or risks? No, it’s not psychotherapy (though that’s a good option too). What about an alternative approach that doesn’t require a prescription, has no side effects, has extensive research support, and is free?

Exercise as an antidepressant

The alternative I’m referring to is exercise. Research shows that moderate exercise three to four times a week is as effective as antidepressants in combating depression.2

What’s important is that your exercise is at least moderately intense and your total weekly exercise time is at least 2 hours. For people who are not used to exercise, it may seem difficult at first. But that’s not the case.

Each of us has 168 hours in a week. It is quite possible for her to spend 2-3 hours of that time on exercise. This equates to just over 1% of the week. Considering the impact exercise can have on your mood and health, it’s a bargain to spend that time.

Some people may answer, “But I don’t like exercise.” He has two answers to that objection.

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The first is, “So what?” You may not like brushing your teeth, but I don’t think that will prevent you from brushing your teeth. There are days when I don’t feel like going to work, but I still end up going. The list is endless. Refusing to do something useful because it’s not fun leads to psychological stagnation.

The second answer to “I don’t like exercising” is to realize that most people who make exercise a weekly routine eventually learn to enjoy it. Even those who don’t do that will come to accept it as something they have to do and find it acceptable.

The key for people who hate exercise is to find something that gets your heart rate up in a way that feels at least somewhat rewarding. Some people may go for a brisk walk with friends. For others, things like swimming or cycling.

If you’re a die-hard exercise buff, it’s best to start by simply aiming for 10 minutes of light exercise. It’s okay if your heart rate doesn’t increase too much. You are simply building up a tolerance to this new activity.

Over time, you’ll get used to the habit and find yourself ready to increase both the time and intensity you spend exercising.

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What type of exercise is best?

Several studies have looked at the question of what type of exercise is best for combating depression. The answer remains unclear because so many forms of exercise have been shown to be effective.

This means you have a lot of freedom to choose what’s best for you. The key to success is to stress your body to the point where it requires mental stamina to complete the task.

What makes exercise an effective antidepressant?

Research is less clear about the exact mechanism by which exercise becomes effective as an antidepressant. Neurologically, exercise is known to affect levels of the monoamine neurotransmitters dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin. These three neurotransmitters are thought to be associated with depression.

Depression essentials

However, non-neurological factors may play an equal or greater role in making exercise an effective antidepressant. It is important to understand these non-neurological factors. And in order to understand what role they play (no one knows exactly at the moment), we need to start by looking at some common symptoms of depression.

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People with depression have a hard time planning their day or taking the initiative to complete tasks. Their lives lack structure and direction, which should give them a sense of progress and competence. Instead, they suffer from feelings of helplessness and low self-esteem. Lack of sleep is almost always a part of depression, as is a tendency to avoid socializing with others.

Next, consider how maintaining an exercise routine can help reverse these trends. An exercise routine provides a schedule, or structure, for her week that increases her sense of order in her life. Second, sticking to an exercise schedule increases your sense of control. Instilling a sense of control is an antidote to feelings of helplessness.

Additionally, going to the gym increases your sociability, even if it’s just being around other motivated people. Exercise also often improves the quality of your sleep, which promotes energy recovery and a cheerful mood.

Sticking to an exercise program gives you a sense of success, accomplishment, and competence. This is perhaps especially true if someone experiences improvements in strength, endurance, and general physical function. Enjoying each of these benefits also increases your chances of having a more positive self-concept.


Antidepressants often play an important role in the treatment of depression, especially when the goal is to rapidly reduce symptoms of depression. However, the disadvantages of drug therapy are significant and include a high proportion of non-responders, financial costs, side effects, and the need to rely on a physician to write the script.

Furthermore, medications do not improve physical health, increase self-confidence, or promote a sense of accomplishment in the same way that exercise does. In fact, it can foster a sense of dependence on external agencies (medications and doctors) rather than building an optimistic view of one’s ability to combat the depressive state.

Conclusion: Unless you have significant physical limitations, there’s no excuse not to use exercise as a way to reduce depression and lift your mood. Once you start down this path and experience its benefits, you’ll be hooked. Self-confidence, optimism, and well-being are also likely to improve, which may act as a barrier against future depressive episodes.

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