Home Products One Exercise Cuts Arthritis and Knee Pain

One Exercise Cuts Arthritis and Knee Pain

by Universalwellnesssystems

Cycling is an expensive hobby, with bikes typically costing $1,000 and sometimes more than $2,000, but Yang emphasized that you don’t need to buy an expensive bike to reap the benefits to your knee health, nor do you need to be a hardcore biker putting out many miles every day.

“It can be as simple as getting on a stationary bike. Many of these exercises don’t require much effort. If you have a bike in your garage, start by riding around your neighborhood. If you have access to a gym, try riding a stationary bike for 15 to 20 minutes two to three times a week,” Yang says.

It’s important to note that biking isn’t the only form of exercise that can benefit arthritis patients. According to White, the study Highlighting previous research Studies have shown that general physical activity and exercise may not only prevent the development of knee osteoarthritis, but may also be an effective treatment for people with osteoarthritis and knee pain.

“The study also points to the fact that other activities such as swimming, running and strength training can help reduce the so-called symptoms. arthritis “If you have arthritis, exercise may not reduce your arthritis pain as much,” Tomajic added.

Many people with arthritis worry that exercise will make their pain worse, which is a legitimate fear, says White, but that doesn’t mean you should stop exercising. Talk to your doctor first to find the right exercise regimen that’s right for you.

Additionally, White says that while it’s normal for your knees to be sore after working out, if you experience any soreness at all, it should subside quickly — and, as mentioned above, strengthening your knees will only help ease any persistent pain as you progress.

“Finding something that helps you get active is the most important thing you can do,” White says. “For some people that might be riding a bike, for others it might be swimming or going for a walk.”

White added that as we age, physical activity is important for slowing the effects of aging on muscles and joints, “especially if you have chronic conditions like knee arthritis or osteoarthritis.”

If you want to start cycling outdoors, Tomajic stressed that it’s important to do it safely: wear protective gear like a helmet and knee and elbow pads, consider purchasing a safety light, stay in bike lanes, and obey traffic laws.

“If you’re nervous about getting started or not sure what you know, a good idea is to seek help from a physical therapist,” White says. A physical therapist can help you create a customized exercise plan to ease knee pain and keep your knees as healthy as possible as you age.

This article was originally published on Huffington Post.

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