Home Fitness One-button weight changing puts the smart in dumbbells

One-button weight changing puts the smart in dumbbells

by Universalwellnesssystems

In the fitness world, weight training can be an intimidating, confusing and tedious way to train, but studies have shown that even light strength training can speed up your metabolism more than aerobic exercise, promote weight loss, prevent muscle loss as you age, and give you a better night’s sleep.

But one of the main issues, aside from navigating confusing equipment in a crowded gym, is swapping out weight plates for different muscles and exercises (as someone who owns a traditional dumbbell set that requires you to manually add or remove weight plates, currently sitting embarrassingly untouched in a corner of the room for months, I know firsthand that it can make you never want to use dumbbells at all).

So, here Smart and instantly adjustable Julu dumbbells Unlike traditional adjustable dumbbells that use voice-activated and motorized weight adjustment systems, Julu operates on a digital platform, requiring even less work from the user when switching between weights. Users simply input the desired weight on the LCD panel or smartphone app, and the weight is automatically increased or decreased instantly.

While the company is still fine-tuning its iOS app for release, you can see how these smart weights work in this video review featuring the Android platform.

Julu Smart Tech Dumbbell Review

A single Julu dumbbell comes in weights ranging from 6 lbs (2.7 kg) to 36 lbs (16.3 kg), making them ideal for those who can only handle light, low-impact training, or those looking to slowly and safely build strength and endurance.

Each weight has a unique lock-in mechanism that ensures it won’t come loose as you lift, so you can lift dumbbells with confidence knowing you can adjust instantly.

Just press a button to change the weight you want to lift.


The dumbbells also come with real-time data tracking, so you can see your current and past progress through the app, gamifying and simplifying one of the most frustrating aspects of the training journey for many – no more writing down sets and weights or manually inputting data as you train.

It also tracks calories burned and other stats, helping you maximize your performance by focusing solely on physical activity.

Track your progress with a simple app that collects real-time data and share it with friends
Track your progress with a simple app that collects real-time data and share it with friends


moreover, Jul made these smart dumbbells using eco-friendly materials and feature non-slip bars, and their compact size makes them much easier to store than a case or multiple dumbbell sets with manually changing weights.

To make it even more fun, the app lets you connect with other users so you can challenge your friends and be inspired by what others are doing. If, like many of us, you find it hard to stay motivated without a trainer to hold you accountable, this is a fun, encouraging way to keep you on track. Yes, it’s fun.

Julu is currently running a 40% off sale. Kickstarter CampaignThe dumbbell set is priced at $239 per set ($478 for two sets), and each set comes with the weights and base, a USB-C cable, and a user manual. Shipping is available worldwide, but keep in mind that shipping to the US will cost $89 per set, or $120 for two sets. Estimated delivery date is November 2024.

sauce: Kickstarter

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