Home Mental Health Old Video Of Jeff Bezos Sharing Tips On Dealing With Stress Is Viral

Old Video Of Jeff Bezos Sharing Tips On Dealing With Stress Is Viral

by Universalwellnesssystems

Bezos said people perceive stress the wrong way.

In recent years, the topic of stress and its triggers has reached a fever pitch. We are finally waking up to the profound impact stress has on our physical and mental health, prompting individuals, communities and health professionals to take a deeper look into the complex factors that cause stress in today's world. .

From the unrelenting pressure cooker of work deadlines to the ever-present worry of financial burden, the expectations society places on us can feel heavy. And let's not forget the constant connectivity facilitated by digital companions such as smartphones, laptops, and social media. They keep us connected 24/7, blurring the line between work and leisure, and leaving little room to disconnect and truly recharge.

An old video of Jeff Bezos, founder of e-commerce giant Amazon, talking about stress management recently surfaced on the internet. Bezos said people perceive stress the wrong way.

“Stress primarily comes from not taking action on things that you have some control over,” Bezos said in the video. “So if I find that something specific is causing me stress, “It's a warning sign. That's what it is.” This means that there is probably something in my consciousness that I haven't fully identified that is bothering me and I haven't done anything about it yet. Making the phone call, sending the first email message, or whatever we are trying to do to deal with the situation, even if it doesn't resolve it, means that we are dealing with it. That mere fact will dramatically reduce any stress that may arise from it. Therefore, I think a large part of stress comes from ignoring things that shouldn't be ignored. ”

He added, “In my opinion, people always misunderstand stress. Stress doesn't come from hard work. Like, you know you can work incredibly hard and love it.”

Watch the video here:

The internet was quick to react to the now-viral video. One user commented on the video and wrote, “It's true. When you do the thing that was causing you anxiety, a lot of it goes away.”

Another user wrote, “Men explained to me why I don't have gray hair and I didn't notice it.”

“Indeed, recognizing stress triggers is critical to taking effective action. Thank you for sharing this valuable insight on stress management,” a third user wrote.

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