Home Mental Health Occupational therapy is the missing piece in alleviating the mental health crisis

Occupational therapy is the missing piece in alleviating the mental health crisis

by Universalwellnesssystems

about 130 Americans die by suicide every day, according to the Centers for Disease Control. With 47,646 deaths from suicide in the US in 2021, and a clear mental health crisis affecting our loved ones, occupational therapy practitioners are the missing piece of the puzzle. . As an occupational therapist, I work with individuals who belong to the most vulnerable age groups and experience the most complex medical conditions. , helping to maintain

You may have heard of occupational therapy when your great-grandparent needed hip replacement surgery, or when your neighbor’s 5-year-old needed to improve his fine motor skills. We work with individuals who have suffered physical injuries and illnesses, but we also see it in mental health settings. There, we work with the most vulnerable to address the symptoms of serious mental illness, from major depression to bipolar disorder. This setting allows you to focus on empowering individuals for the rest of their lives to re-engage in the activities most important to achieving optimal mental health.

Believe it or not, the occupational therapy profession is deeply rooted in mental health care. dating back to World War IWhen the Soldiers Rehabilitation Act of 1918 was signed, occupational therapists were key members of the health care system. They assessed the occupational performance of soldiers adversely affected by combat stress and implemented interventions aimed at enhancing physical and mental well-being.

Another notable law is Community Mental Health Act of 1963, signed by President John F. Kennedy. Helped Americans with mental illness live productive and meaningful lives by opening community mental health centers. Once the long-term psychiatric hospital is released from the institution, occupational therapy practitioners begin working in the community, helping individuals to develop their ability to live independently to engage in leisure and professional interests. began to Many people have taken up arts and crafts or professional pursuits in order to spend their time meaningfully.

Today, occupational therapy practitioners work in community-based settings that address global mental health concerns in powerful ways.K-12 schools, colleges, community settings, outpatient clinics, clubhouses, You can find us in environments such as drop-in centers and hospitals. But as of 2022, the number of states accredited as Qualified Mental Health Providers (QMHPs) despite the fact that we have been improving the lives of people suffering from mental illness for decades. is only five.

I have spent hours and days teaching adolescents and young people coping skills, time management and safety skills. While working in an outpatient behavioral health clinic, I taught many groups, including one on Assertive Communication. The group has enabled individuals with bipolar disorder, major depression, and schizophrenia to improve their self-esteem and learn strategies for coping with stressful situations that arise in everyday life.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly one in five Americans had been diagnosed with a mental illness, according to CDC data.

Many policies are underway that support our mission to further expand our ability to work with individuals with mental health challenges, including the Occupational Therapy and Mental Health Equality Act, a bipartisan bill introduced in 2022. . Occupational therapy services for mental and behavioral health disorders under Medicare and Medicaid. It is vital that this bill receives the support it needs to move forward globally. Senate and House.

Health care professionals, stakeholders, and policy makers must recognize that occupational therapy practitioners are ready to become part of the mental health care team. I have the training and passion to enhance everyday functioning and teach those who are experiencing a mental health crisis or are seriously considering suicide the skills they need to advance their mental health.

I have met so many adolescents and young adults who are depressed, suicidal, or homicidal and who find themselves in cycles of being in and out of the hospital system for short-term care. , emphasizing a preventative, long-term approach. This allows individuals to acquire practical skills and safely return to their communities. The preventive and holistic approach taken by occupational therapy practitioners is unique and effective. Years of training and long history in mental health It’s not the only missing piece of the puzzle, but it’s a meaningful and cost-effective piece to consider when it comes to saving the lives of people suffering from mental illness.

If you or someone you know is going through a mental health crisis, text or call us 988 for support.

Su Lam is a Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist at Texas Children’s Hospital and holds a Ph.D. She is a student at Texas Women’s University. She wrote this column for her Dallas Morning News.

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