Home Nutrition Nutritionists reveal 3 healthy pastas least likely to lead to weight gain to help you feel fit and full

Nutritionists reveal 3 healthy pastas least likely to lead to weight gain to help you feel fit and full

by Universalwellnesssystems

Great news for noodle lovers: you no longer have to beat yourself up for eating a plate of pasta.

With low-carb diets in vogue, pasta is widely seen as an indulgence food that leads to rapid weight gain.

Because traditional pasta is mostly carbohydrates, people view this food as empty calories, but carbohydrates are actually the human body’s preferred source of energy and can provide many nutritional benefits.

So not all noodles necessarily have to be luxury foods.

In fact, some types of pasta are high in fiber, making them a good choice for people who want to lose weight or stay lean. High-fiber pasta promotes satiety by releasing energy slowly.

She found We checked with three medical experts to identify the healthy noodle trinity: read on to find out more.

Pasta is good for both the body and the soul. Charlie’s – stock.adobe.com

1. Red lentil pasta

Red lentil pasta is rich in fiber and iron. ange1011 – stock.adobe.com

Red lentil pasta is rich in dietary fiber, a good source of iron, and provides almost all of your daily requirements for folate.

Lisa Richards“Red lentil pasta is high in fiber,” the Candida Diet creator and nutritionist told SheFinds. “Foods high in fiber promote satiety and fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating or snacking.”

2. Kombu noodles

Kelp noodles are a good source of iodine. sirayot111 – stock.adobe.com

Made from nutrient-rich seaweed, kombu noodles are low in carbs, low in calories, naturally gluten-free and contain healthy amounts of calcium, magnesium and iron.

Kelp noodles are also a good source of iodine, a mineral that supports healthy thyroid function, regulates metabolism, and contributes to weight loss.

3. Konjac pasta

Konjac pasta is also known as Shirataki noodles or miracle noodles. La Plateresca – stock.adobe.com

Dr. Andrea MaximThe MNLP, MChT, ND, Naturopathic Doctor, NLP Master Practitioner and Weight Loss Expert says: She found She believes konjac root pasta is the healthiest, low-carb, high-fiber pasta on the market.

Made from the konjac plant, this pasta is naturally rich in glucomannan, a soluble fiber that absorbs water and expands in the intestines, helping dieters and diners feel fuller for longer. Also known as shirataki noodles or miracle noodles, the viscous fiber in konjac root pasta acts as a prebiotic, nourishing the gut flora for healthy digestion and weight maintenance.

Meanwhile, The Post previously reported that it’s not the type of pasta, but how it’s prepared that often determines whether a food is healthy.

Plus, pasta has been proven to have mood-boosting effects, and we all know happiness can improve health.

Recent Research It turns out that the perfect noodle dish makes people happy and actively stimulates positive memories and responses in the same way that listening to a favorite song does.

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