It seems like every week more (bad) news about ultra-processed foods is made public, and this week is no exception.
Colin Miller reports Food and WineA new study has found that “people who ate more ultra-processed foods had a 10% higher overall mortality rate over a 23-year follow-up period compared to those who ate less processed foods.” The study was published last month. Nutrition 2024 The study, presented at the conference, followed half a million people for 30 years. “Participants who ate more ultra-processed foods tended to have a higher BMI and lower overall diet quality, although some of those who preferred ultra-processed foods were of normal weight and still had an increased risk of death,” Miller added.
As Salon Food has noted many times, ultra-processed foods range from protein bars to diet sodas, cold cuts to packaged breads, and often contain added ingredients such as artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, and other ingredients for texture and shelf life. Many packaged foods fall into this category. Miller points out that consumption of ultra-processed foods has been linked to many chronic diseases and illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, dementia, heart disease, and various cancers. He cites other studies conducted within the past few years that all seem to repeat the same conclusion. To be clear, we should be eating much less ultra-processed foods than we do now.
Conversely, Miller points out that some technically ultra-processed foods, like liquid egg whites and raisins and unsweetened raisins, are actually quite “good for you,” so it’s hard to generalize too much.