Home Medicine Novo Nordisk Sued By Woman Claiming Negative Ozempic Side Effects

Novo Nordisk Sued By Woman Claiming Negative Ozempic Side Effects

by Universalwellnesssystems


Novo Nordisk sued

Women’s claims…

Ozempic will destroy your gut and you knew it!!!

A woman is suing Novo Nordisk over negative side effects she experienced after using Ozempic, claiming Novo Nordisk knew it could irritate her intestines.

Karen Erosua Lawsuit filed against major pharmaceutical companies, alleging that based on research and trials, weight loss drugs such as Ozempic and Wigovy have long been suspected of causing serious harm, particularly to a person’s stomach and gastrointestinal system. I just woke up.

In documents obtained by TMZ, Elosua says that even with this history of side effects in mind, she was prescribed Ozempic to combat type 2 diabetes.

Elosua continued that she started taking Ozempic injections of 1 ml weekly from April 2021, and after a few years her doctor increased the dosage to 2 ml.

However, towards the end of 2023… Elosua claims that she started experiencing symptoms such as headaches, vomiting, cramps and severe abdominal pain, so she went to see a specialist… who performed a gastric emptying test. . She asked her to see what was going on.

As it turns out, she claims that this gastroenterologist diagnosed her with gastroparesis (gastroparesis), a condition in which the muscles of the stomach become very weak and prevent food from being eaten properly. She claims that another doctor confirmed this diagnosis.

She says her last Ozempic injection was around late January, but claims the damage was done by then…she had to be hospitalized due to continued pain. area where she claims the pain left her with a severe tear in her abdomen.

Elosua claims Novo Nordisk, the company behind Ozempic, knew the miracle drug could confuse people, but used it anyway and made a fortune. …, Elosua argued, claiming that the drug came at the expense of her health and possibly that of others.

She is now seeking large sums of money in damages. We have reached out to Nordisk, but have not yet heard back.

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