Home Mental Health No failings in mental health care of student who took own life

No failings in mental health care of student who took own life

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Written by Matt Murray
  • BBC Wales News

image source, family photo

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Bronwen Morgan was found unresponsive in a Cardiff hotel in 2020

An inquest has found that there were no deficiencies in the mental health care of a nursing student who committed suicide.

Bronwen Morgan, 26, was found unresponsive in a hotel in Pentwyn, Cardiff, in August 2020.

Pontypridd Coroner’s Court heard that Ms Morgan had been diagnosed with emotionally unstable personality disorder.

Her family called the Cardiff University nursing student “smart and beautiful”.

In the days leading up to her death, Ms Morgan complained about her care package to Cardiff and Vale health boards.

However, coroner Graham Hughes found there was no link between her death and the care she had received.

image source, family photo

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Bronwen Morgan’s family called the student nurse, far left, bright and beautiful.

The court was told that Ms Morgan was still engaged in mental health services and was “providing a significant care package and there were no defects in that care package”.

The coroner considered whether Morgan’s diagnosis of affective personality disorder was correct.

He found that, on the weight of the evidence, her diagnosis was correct and therefore misdiagnosis did not contribute to her death.

The inquest heard that Ms Morgan had intended to ask her father Mr Haydn to go to a friend’s house on August 27, but he never arrived.

“I didn’t want to be found,” Morgan said in an email to a friend.

Her phone was traced to the Premier Inn in Pentwyn, where she was found unresponsive.

The court heard she was at high risk of dying in an accident from self-harm, but this time she intended to take her own life.

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Pontypridd Coroner’s Court heard that Ms Morgan suffered from mental health problems.

Mr Hughes concluded Ms Morgan’s death was a suicide and told the court it had been a challenge for her family and mental health services to keep her safe.

Hughes told his family: “Words cannot describe the anguish and pain you have been through.

“And while you may not agree with my findings, that doesn’t mean I don’t have your utmost sympathy for you and your entire family.”

If you or someone you know is suffering from a mental health problem, bbc action line We’ve compiled a list of organizations that can help.

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