Home Mental Health ‘No doubt’ youth mental health deteriorating

‘No doubt’ youth mental health deteriorating

by Universalwellnesssystems

(NewsNation) — Headlines in recent months tell of teens fighting, rioting and bullying each other. Are America’s Youth at Risk?

Dr. Drew Pinsky, an internist and addiction expert, says this concern is certainly valid.

“There is no doubt that the mental health environment for young adults and teenagers, especially young women, in this country is unimaginably deteriorating,” Pinsky told CUOMO on Friday. “The amount of anxiety, depression, suicide and substance use is higher than we’ve ever seen, and in a time when there’s a shortage of psychiatrists, there aren’t enough mental health professionals.”

Medical experts point to various factors that have increased mental health problems in recent years, including the COVID-19 pandemic and social media.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report on friday Youth addiction suicide attempts jumped 30% during the pandemic. In children aged 10 to her 12, there was a 73% increase.

Public Health Director Vivek Murthy has made mental health a priority for his administration and recently told the New York Times A “rising crisis of loneliness and isolation” is worsening children’s health.

Pinsky agrees.

“If children aged 8 to 15 who are totally dependent on their peers for growth and well-being are quarantined and left (phones) unattended for two years in many states (pandemic), they will be worse off in terms of mental health. Are you surprised to do that?” said Pinsky.

Congress is asking social media companies to do more to protect children online. Most recently, lawmakers lashed out at TikTok’s CEO over privacy and safety, including the mental health impact of using the app.

Meanwhile, a study published this week JAMA network open Up to 25% of teens say they abuse prescription stimulants such as Adderall, which is in national shortage. Adderall is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

As a solution, Pinsky advocated for more mental health professionals.

“We need more psychiatrists, more psychologists, more residential treatment centers. We have many social services, but this has evolved far beyond the need for social services,” Pinsky said. “Look at the homeless situation. There’s an army of community service agencies on the streets, but it’s not changing anything.”

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