Home Mental Health Nine Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

Nine Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dr. Magen asks what would happen if you weren’t so worried about being bored. And what does it mean to experiment with it?

“Being bored is a lot like the concept of being lost,” he says. “There’s no specific place to be when you’re lost. Rather, being lost simply means you’re not where you’re supposed to be. But some people call it exploration or travel. The difference is: It’s about not having a special feeling that you need to be somewhere else at that moment. Try this: when you remove the sense of “should”, it no longer exactly fits the definition of “boredom”. not. Then you saw your chance. ”

eat well. Stress can increase pain, bloating, nausea, and other stomach discomforts, and affect your appetite. According to APA. Intuitive eating is always helpful, but it’s especially helpful to practice this method when you’re feeling stressed. Paying attention to how your body feels after eating certain things can help you make better choices, Dr. Mergen says.

He advises setting yourself up for success by thinking about what you’re going to take in advance. Be conscious of what you take home with you and keep things easily accessible that contribute to your overall sense of satisfaction, both during and after consumption.

Exhale. By incorporating breathing techniques into your daily life, you can more effectively engage your parasympathetic nervous system, your automatic system for relaxation and recovery. Then you will be more focused and less reactive to your surroundings.

Practicing breathing techniques doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Dr. Dattilo recommends a simple audible exhalation for beginners. He simply inhales and then exhales with a deep, rich sigh. “When you do this, two things happen,” she says. “Because there’s a recoil, you’re going to inhale quite deeply and breathe a lot louder than you normally would, which causes you to breathe at a faster pace. And secondly, when you hear a sigh, you find yourself in a reset spot. It triggers biofeedback that says you are there.”

Lower the alcohol. We’ve all been there: after a hard day, the first words out of our mouths are, “I can’t wait to have a drink.” Drinking alcohol not only makes you look older, but it’s also one of the things you shouldn’t do when you’re stressed. “Alcohol can interfere with your ability to get good quality sleep and worsen your mood,” says Dr. Dattilo. “It can also cause painful inflammation in the body and affect its ability to produce cortisol.”

Stop making yourself a “should.” Dr. Dattilo says that for many people, it’s not really the stress that’s the problem; feel stressed About stress. When we’re stressed about obligations or projects, we often fall into a “should” mindset and put pressure on ourselves to do things a certain way. “We don’t feel like we’re doing it well enough or fast enough,” she says. “But what happens if we remove the ‘ought’ from it?” Reframing is an opportunity and something you can learn from. ”

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