Home Nutrition Nicoya, Costa Rica, Blue Zone Diet Helped Me Feel More Full, Energetic

Nicoya, Costa Rica, Blue Zone Diet Helped Me Feel More Full, Energetic

by Universalwellnesssystems

Julia Pugachevsky

  • Nicoya, Costa Rica is one of the five blue zones in the world where people live longer than average.
  • Nicoyans eat less meat and consume more natural foods such as beans, pumpkin, and corn.
  • For a week, I ate like a Costa Rican superager, cooking and eating dishes like gallo pinto and rosquilla.

Nicoya, Costa Rica one of the world 5 “Blue Zones” Residents live longer than average. Some Nicoyans live into their 90s and 100s, and some men still ride horses and herd livestock into their 100s. Netflix’s new documentary About the secrets of the world’s blue zones.

One of the potential secrets to the longevity of the Nicoyan people lies in their diet. Consume lots of beans as a superfood. I found this reassuring since Nicoyans don’t eat much meat. I’m a pesto-tarian and eat a plant-based diet 80% of the time, but I always worry that I’m still not getting enough protein.

After hearing that a more plant-based, whole-food diet could lead to a longer life, I wanted to try my hand at eating like a Costa Rican superager. Of course, I don’t know if it really helps you live longer, but it would be nice to have a little more energy. I live in Brooklyn and can’t harvest my own food like many Nicoyans, so I had to meal prep and prepare two dishes and a snack. The situation is as follows.

The recipes were delicious and easy to put together.

Cook the peppers and onions as a base for gallo pinto.
Julia Pugachevsky

The first meal I made was a Costa Rican rice and beans dish. gallo pintotraditionally served for breakfast, but I’ve had it with other meals as well.

It was incredibly easy to assemble, just chop the onions and peppers, cook the rice, and mix in the beans and spices. After about an hour of work, I had three Tupperware servings of delicious bass.

This challenged the idea that making healthy, delicious food requires complicated or expensive food.

There were a variety of ingredients, so I never got bored.

Customize gallo pinto (rice and beans) with eggs, avocado, and plenty of hot sauce.
Julia Pugachevsky

I customized it with fried eggs (which Nicoyans use as a side dish), avocado, salsa, hot sauce, and whatever else I had in the fridge or whatever I was in the mood for. Breakfast, which I usually munch on out of necessity, actually became an enjoyable experience. Eating flavorful beans was more exciting than my usual blueberry oatmeal.

Most importantly, the gallo pinto was filling. After my morning 10 mile run, I was surprised at how full I felt for the rest of the day after I devoured a hearty plate with all the fixings.

I felt fuller for longer, even during my workout.

I will make a large amount of stew for the three sisters.
Julia Pugachevsky

The Netflix series mentioned that Nicoyans eat pumpkins, beans, and corn. They are also known as the “Three Sisters” in indigenous cultures. In addition to these three crops, Nurturing each other by growing togetherBut it also forms a complete protein without the cholesterol found in meat.

The program did not mention specific Costa Rican recipes, so simple stew It consists of butternut squash, pinto beans, and corn. It was easy to make in one pot and could be eaten throughout the week.

We’ve discovered a new plant-based protein source.

Three sisters stew bowl.
Julia Pugachevsky

At first, I was skeptical that this stew would make me feel full even without rice or couscous. However, just eating it alone for lunch gave me enough energy throughout the day.

Later, when I went to a weightlifting class, I was understandably surprised at how much energy I had, even without drinking any protein powder.

Homemade snacks helped me reduce my sugar intake.

Freshly baked Roskiya for an easy snack.
Julia Pugachevsky

Reducing added sugars is one of the best things you can do to extend your longevity, but for me it’s one of the hardest things to do. Emotionally, I need a little snack after every meal, usually a chocolate chip cookie (main snack), a handful of leftover chocolate chips (secondary snack), and ice cream if we’re going for a walk together (bonus). snacks) may also be available. friend.

At the show, we caught a glimpse of Rosquillas, which can best be described as a cross between a mini donut and a crunchy cookie. There are many variations in Spain and Central America. recipe I followed Made with maseca (corn flour) and cheese.

Baking my own treats took some effort, but it was worth it.

Make Rosquillas de Queso.
Julia Pugachevsky

Sugar was optional so I omitted it completely and opted for a tasty snack instead. I munched on sweets all day and didn’t feel the expected sugar crash or subsequent lightheadedness.

Making these took more work than opening a bag of potato chips, but I didn’t feel the creeping anxiety that often comes with highly processed foods. Plus, when I was already full from my main meal, the voice in my head asking for cupcakes became a little quieter.

The recipe stated that making Roskiyas was a great group activity. Maybe next time I’ll invite friends over and try another one of Nikoyan’s secrets to longevity: creating more space for leisure.

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