Home Fitness Nicole Scherzinger in Workout Gear Does Handstands On the Beach

Nicole Scherzinger in Workout Gear Does Handstands On the Beach

by Universalwellnesssystems

Singer Nicole Scherzinger is 45 years old and in the best shape of her life. Just look at her social media for proof of that. Scherzinger shared a video of her doing a yoga handstand on a beautiful beach, wearing white leggings and a matching cropped tank top. “Life is a balance between what we can control and what we can’t. I’m learning to live between struggle and surrender,” she captioned her memorable post. Scherzinger knows how to work hard and enjoy a balanced life. Here she shows how she stays happy, healthy and strong.

Scherzinger’s training regimen changes depending on the job. “I’m not touring or shooting music videos, so I’m not as into working out as I usually am.” she said net doctor. “So I’m a little more generous with myself. Honestly, I’m working on my mindset and getting ready for the show. I really love my job and the live show. “I want to arrive feeling ready to take on anything and give it my all, and working out helps me develop that mindset.”

Scherzinger struggles with motivation like everyone else, but he’s never regretted working out. “I don’t always want to work out. I have to push myself.” she said cosmopolitan. “When I do that, I feel so much better about myself. I feel great. Personally, I love running and doing yoga. I feel great inside and out afterwards. ”

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Scherzinger no longer restricts food or follows fad diets. “I’ve been on every diet in the world, so I don’t like dieting because they just seem to last too long and they really mess up your metabolism.” she said net doctor. “It’s all about balance and moderation. When you deprive yourself of something, you tend to go wild afterwards. I think your body tends to want what you give it. If you’re going to eat a lot of chips and fries, you’re going to want it.” Drink lots of water and eat more rice, beans, salads, and fish, and your body will crave it too. If you want more desert, eat a little less. You have a sweet tooth. You’ll be happy with that too. It’s a balance.”

Scherzinger’s beauty beliefs are based on inner happiness. She said, “A woman’s flesh is beautiful, and a woman’s curves are beautiful. But in the end, what truly shines is the radiance and beauty from within.” she said cosmopolitan. “When you feel great on the inside by taking better care of yourself, people see that and are drawn to that more than anything else.”

Scherzinger is all about making conscious choices about her health. “Everyone is different and you have to listen to your body.” she said net doctor. “And you need to take care of yourself as much as possible and listen to this song. Go for a little walk, work out, sleep when you can, just try to make conscious choices. Then you “You’ve got fish and chips. If you want to add lots of gravy to your Sunday roast, eat it that Sunday! And you’ll be back.”

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