Home Nutrition NHS doctor names one diet that reduces risk of heart disease, dementia and cancer

NHS doctor names one diet that reduces risk of heart disease, dementia and cancer

by Universalwellnesssystems

NHS doctors say there’s one diet that could reduce the risk of heart disease, dementia and cancer, and Dr Rupi Aujla said food can boost both physical and mental health.

He started Doctor’s Kitchen to teach people how to achieve a healthy lifestyle through cooking and to show the benefits of healthy eating and living. In the latest episode of the podcast, he speaks with Gregg Wallace Easy as pieHe said unhealthy eating habits could lead to death.

But eating the right foods can reduce the risk of deadly diseases and long-term conditions. Dr Awjila said: “Unhealthy diets are responsible for a huge number of deaths and ill health cases seen in the NHS.”

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“For example, obesity accounts for around 20% of the National Health Service budget, which equates to around £20 billion a year, so it’s the issue people think about most when it comes to nutrition,” Dr Awjila added. “Food is one of our most powerful medical tools in preventing a range of diseases.”

“A lot of different conditions are caused by nutritional deficiencies, but sometimes nutritional management can solve the problem. It’s mostly a preventative approach, not always. But food really does play a role.”

The doctor explained the symptoms and conditions caused by unhealthy eating habits: “You’re at higher risk of cardiometabolic disease, which is another way of saying type 2 diabetes for heart disease, but it’s known to be very harmful and increases your risk of things like dementia, as well as reducing your quality of life.”

“Cancer is an umbrella term for a variety of cancers, many of which develop for a variety of reasons, but generally, 30-40% of cancers can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle, according to research from the World Cancer Research Fund.”

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