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NH Business: Upcoming health care decisions

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NH Business: Political Decisions on Healthcare

Fred Kocher joins Courtney Tanner and David Juvet to discuss how upcoming political decisions will affect healthcare in Granite.

Welcome to New Hampshire Business. I’m Fred Coker. New Hampshire is making political decisions about our health care. The question is, do these decisions make it better or worse? And some companies are currently considering it. Here is a quote from one of my guests. Whether you are interested in politics or not, politics can affect your life in ways you may not realize, including the health of our families and communities. Political determinants of health include government systems, structures and policies that affect health. And here are some of the health-related issues that will be the subject of discussion and debate at the December 8 symposium: Reapproval of Medicaid Extensions. Response to infectious diseases. Maternal health care. Gun safety and access to reproductive health care, and some of these issues, are also priorities for the New Hampshire Business and Industry Association. And you can see what they are, including Medicaid funding and reapproval.With Me to Talk Political Decisions About Health Care is Courtney Turner Director of Government Affairs at DARTMOUTH HEALTH. Thank you for being here. And he’s David Gervais, senior vice president of the New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce. Welcome. Thank you Fred. I have a list of 26 bills in my hand. This is the health bill that was in Congress’s last session. Your symposium will further scrutinize these bills. What’s driving that scrutiny, Dave? From the perspective of the business community, what’s driving it more than ever is our labor shortage. It’s being felt by employers statewide. And a key component of that is making sure we have a healthy workforce, and a key component of that is making sure there are laws passed that lead to a healthier workforce. The second factor is cost. When a state doesn’t properly reimburse Medicaid or reapprove the expanded Medicaid costs associated with it, it’s often passed on to employers and employees. Courtney Same question, you are from a major health care provider in this state. Yeah, and maximum privacy. In-state employer. to echo much of what they said. But we also add that he has 13,000 employees who provide care and treatment to residents of New Hampshire and Vermont, and that patients also care about the policies that affect them. Put. As such, we need to ensure healthy, safe and vibrant communities. In the last session, what are the medical laws and perhaps examples of what we have been advocating here? Well, I can give some examples from the last session. There have been dozens of bills, even a dozen bills that would affect employers that would ban requiring vaccines as a condition. They were all defeated. But had they passed, they would have limited the ability of an employee or employer to provide a safe and healthy workplace. When. And in the same vein, we’ve seen a lot of legislation, legislative pieces targeting public health infrastructure. So we need to make sure we have a ready public health infrastructure. To respond to infectious diseases and other health issues affecting our community. Recently, we have seen an increase in RSV. As you know, March children are susceptible to it. So you have to be ready for it. This symposium, and you are organizing this on his December 8th. On that same day, several universities will post graphics showing some of the details. But what are we trying to do with this symposium? What is the purpose? yes. As such, the symposium is open to anyone interested in learning about the new Hampshire policy. Be it legislative or administrative policy. We talk about the hot-button issues you highlighted, how these policies really affect our ability to have healthy communities, and state support for all growing families. Make sure you have maternity care throughout, show that you have a safe community, and talk about gun safety and more. We are serious about how we can maintain a healthy and strong community. And you’re going to be on the panel, Dave. And what do you want out of this? Well, I think there are a lot of issues that BIA focuses on. The one I plan to be personally involved in deals with the very important expansion of Medicaid. If it’s not a real endorsement for next year. New Hampshire loses her $500 million in federal funding, hurting the economy. But point. Dave, Joe, very senior vice president of the New Hampshire Business and Industry Association. Thank you very much. and Courtney Turner, director of government relations at Dartmouth Health. Thank you very much. Thank you Fred.Also, if you missed part of this interview, WMUR Dot Com or

NH Business: Political Decisions on Healthcare

Fred Kocher joins Courtney Tanner and David Juvet to discuss how upcoming political decisions will affect healthcare in Granite.

New Hampshire is making political decisions that directly affect the lives of the Granite Staters. The Political Determinants of Health Symposium on December 8 will discuss several health-related issues, including the expansion of Medicaid, maternal health care, and gun safety. Dartmouth Health’s Director of Government Relations and David Juvet, Senior Vice President of the Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire, discuss how upcoming political decisions will affect health care in Granite.

New Hampshire is making political decisions that directly affect the lives of the Granite Staters. The political determinants of the December 8 Health Symposium will discuss several health-related issues, including Medicaid expansion, maternal health care, and gun safety.

In NH Business’s latest article, host Fred Kocher joins Courtney Tanner, Director of Government Relations at Dartmouth Health, and David Juvet, Senior Vice President of the Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire, on upcoming political decisions. Discuss how is affects health care. in the granite state.

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