Home Mental Health New treatment for PTSD and anxiety is changing lives

New treatment for PTSD and anxiety is changing lives

by Universalwellnesssystems

Estimated reading time: 4-5 minutes

Many people lightheartedly joke that they have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) after an unpleasant life experience. But those who live with this debilitated state know it’s no joke.

of American Psychiatric Association PTSD “can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events such as natural disasters, serious accidents, acts of terrorism, war/combat, rape, or who have been threatened with death, sexual abuse.” A mental disorder that causes violence or serious injury.”

Symptoms can be debilitating and interfere with daily life. They include emotions such as shame, fear, self-destructive behavior, intrusive thoughts, aggressive behavior, distressing dreams, and sleep disturbances.

If you’re one of the 3.5% of the adult population in the United States who suffers from PTSD, you’ve probably tried a variety of treatments, but these symptoms continue to appear and your quality of life is declining.

Now, new treatments are giving hope to many who thought relief was impossible.

New treatments for PTSD and anxiety change lives
Photo: Radharani/Shutterstock.com

Understanding the brain’s fight-or-flight response

When the brain perceives that it is in danger, it activates the fight-or-flight response, also known as the acute stress response. very well mind This danger can be physical, such as a dog barking, or it can be psychological, such as getting ready to give a big presentation, he said. It can be caused by something that isn’t a real threat, but your brain thinks it is. (Phobia is a good example. Someone with claustrophobia (fear of small spaces) may feel their heart start pounding when they’re in an elevator, for example.)

This serves as an excellent defense mechanism to protect yourself in adverse situations, but some people (including those with PTSD) can suffer from an overactive fight or flight response. .

according to Web MD“PTSD puts the brain in danger mode. Even after the danger has passed, the brain stays on alert. The body continues to send out stress signals that lead to PTSD symptoms. Studies show that fear and the brain that processes emotions (amygdala) is more active in people with PTSD.”

If this is your experience, it’s finally time to break the cycle.

How a Star Ganglion Block (SGB) Can Calm Your Mind

For decades, doctors and researchers have worked to find better solutions for people who suffer from PTSD. However, developing safe, fast-acting (with few side effects) and effective treatments has proven difficult.One study published in PubMed Central “The success rate of PTSD treatment is generally variable, with remission rates ranging from 30% to 40%,” they report. But now, a new treatment called stellate ganglion block (SGB) is showing promising results and may provide the relief people are looking for.

SGB ​​is a simple outpatient procedure that is injected into the base of the neck where the stellate ganglion (cluster of nerves) is located. It’s connected to the amygdala (the part of the brain that processes fear), so it can temporarily suppress the fight or flight response.

RTI International It began a randomized controlled trial of SGB in 2014, and in 2019 concluded that the treatment was “actually effective” after monitoring patients’ well-being for eight weeks after injection. Improvements in depression, distress, anxiety, pain, and physical and mental functioning were also shown.

“SGB is a true breakthrough in PTSD treatment,” said the nonprofit research organization. “This is a powerful new option for people suffering from PTSD and may be more readily accepted by military service and veterans, where stigma associated with mental health care is often a deterrent to seeking treatment. “Our research is the first step toward a cure for millions of veterans and those whose PTSD symptoms have long been a barrier to a better life.”

Different PubMed Central Research SGB ​​is described as “a minimally invasive procedure with an excellent safety profile that may provide sustained relief of PTSD symptoms. The procedure also benefits those who resist psychotropic interventions. There is a possibility.”

So far, the prospects are bright that SGB could be a safe and effective alternative to PTSD and anxiety treatment. The best way to see if it’s right for you is consult a medical professional.

Why it’s important to get treatment right away

If you or someone you know is suffering from PTSD or severe anxiety, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Aside from the toll this condition takes on a person’s mental health, it can also cause serious physical damage to the brain. Web MD PTSD says that the hippocampus (the area that controls memory) can shrink over time.

Early treatment improves quality of life in both the short and long term. Don’t delay getting the help you need.schedule an appointment with Aspen Orthopedic Pain and Spine And take back control of your life.

Aspen Orthopedic Pain and Spine

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