Home Health Care New Study: U.S. Health Care Supply Chain Resilience Demands Balanced Regulatory Environment

New Study: U.S. Health Care Supply Chain Resilience Demands Balanced Regulatory Environment

by Universalwellnesssystems

Washington DC – National Association of Manufacturers new research We outline steps to improve the resiliency of healthcare supply chains so that U.S. manufacturers can better prepare for and adapt to the next disruption. This study analyzes lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. During this pandemic, manufacturers across the country were producing critical healthcare supplies in a highly unpredictable environment that impacted every industry level.

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. manufacturers led our response and recovery, and we learned many lessons along the way,” said NAM Chief Economist Chad Mautray. “Policymakers should leverage these lessons to strengthen supply chains for the next disruption.”This analysis, conducted by Indiana University’s Manufacturing Policy Initiative, suggests Research shows that a more balanced regulatory agenda that emphasizes clarity, predictability, and coordination will help reduce the impact of the next disruption. It has been shown to be helpful.”

Main theme

Seven key lessons learned from the pandemic can inform future resilience-building efforts.

  • Speed ​​matters: Manufacturers need to be able to respond quickly to demand.
  • Information is important: Manufacturers need timely access to accurate information.
  • Cost is important: Companies face not only the costs of managing market unpredictability and uncertainty in the policy environment, but also the costs of taking action within their supply chains.
  • Network is important: Partnerships support information sharing and networking to help manufacturers weather disruption.
  • Size matters: Small and medium-sized manufacturers and startups can face different and unique challenges than established, large manufacturers.
  • Technology is important: Technology allows manufacturers to enhance production, improve innovation or efficiency, as well as support broader efforts to build partnerships.
  • Flexibility is key: A flexible policy environment is required because responses can come from unexpected sources.

areas of opportunity

The report identifies four key areas of opportunity to strengthen the resilience of healthcare supply chains.

  • Fostering a favorable regulatory environment: Manufacturers and their partners need clear, streamlined regulations and flexible regulatory frameworks to prepare for the next disruption.
  • Supporting partnerships for stronger information sharing and networking: Continuous information channels between manufacturers and policy makers will improve access to information and reduce confusion for all parties.
  • Ensuring a healthier “baseline” industry: Small businesses play a vital role in the United States. A strong entrepreneurial spirit and the scaling up of new manufacturers are contributing to the industry’s competitiveness.
  • Prioritize changing employee needs: We must prioritize workforce development so that manufacturers can pivot across product lines and sectors to meet the next disruptive need.


The National Association of Manufacturers is the largest manufacturer association in the United States, representing manufacturers large and small in all industry sectors in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs approximately 13 million men and women, contributes $2.91 trillion annually to the U.S. economy, and accounts for 55 percent of private sector research and development. NAM is a strong voice for the manufacturing industry and a leading advocate for policy issues that help manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across the United States. For more information about NAM or to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, please visit: www.nam.org.

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