Home Mental Health New study says dancing is the best exercise to combat depression

New study says dancing is the best exercise to combat depression

by Universalwellnesssystems

New research shows dancing is one of the best treatments for depression.

Paper published by Australian researchers study This shows that dancing is the best exercise for treating depression, surpassing some other exercises such as walking, jogging, yoga, tai chi, and strength training. This study aimed to identify what exercise is best for treating major depressive disorder, alongside or compared to psychotherapy and antidepressant prescriptions. .

Across 218 different studies involving 14,170 participants, researchers found that using exercise rather than simply prescribing participants selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) We found that this resulted in a moderate overall decrease.

In terms of the greatest reduction in symptoms of depression, dancing topped the data chart, with exercise such as walking, jogging, yoga, and aerobic exercise with treatment coming in a close second. The effects of exercise and standard treatment differed in different demographics.

In women, muscle strength and cycling seem to provide more symptom relief. However, men were more influenced by yoga, tai chi, and aerobic exercise alongside psychotherapy. Older participants experienced symptom relief when prescribed yoga or aerobic exercise alongside psychotherapy, whereas younger participants had a greater effect on strength training. However, dance as a whole was a form of exercise that consistently improved symptoms in patients with depression.

The study is starting to spread online, and some people think it’s “beautiful” that dance can be so effective and powerful. Scientist and author Eric Hoell posted one of the study’s data graphs on X (formerly known as Twitter) and wrote that one of the most interesting findings was hidden in the study’s conclusion. Ta.

“They filled in the ground for this new study,” he said. I have written. “It’s not that exercise is better than SSRIs for treating depression; it’s that ‘just’ dancing has the greatest effect on ‘any treatment’ for depression.” That’s kind of beautiful. ”

“It’s interesting that something as simple as dancing can have such a huge impact on our mental health,” said one. Added under the post. “It makes me wonder how many other traditional forms of healing are overlooked by modern medicine.”

X owner Elon Musk also the chime rang I said, “Maybe we should try that.”

Psycho Central They say that just dancing increases the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to benefits such as improved self-esteem and increased mindfulness. They cited past research that found that dance can help people with depression clear their heads, away from rumination and painful circular thinking, and ground them in the present. The endorphins and social connection that dancing often produces also generally lead to improved mood.

Dancing can reportedly function as a type of somatic therapy, a type of therapy that relies on physical movement to release emotions. Whether you’re dancing alone in your room to your favorite song or on the dance floor surrounded by friends and strangers, dance can be much more powerful than we give it credit for. It turns out.

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