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New Study Links Red Meat to Rising Colon Cancer Risk in Young Adults

by Universalwellnesssystems
A Cleveland Clinic study found that dietary metabolites, particularly red and processed meat, are a major contributor to early-onset colon cancer, and the researchers stressed that dietary adjustments may be more effective in prevention than relying solely on frequent testing.

AI analysis of metabolite and microbiome datasets suggests that focusing on dietary interventions in young adults may be effective in preventing colorectal cancer.

A recent study from the Cleveland Clinic found that dietary molecules known as metabolites play an important role in early-onset colorectal cancer risk, particularly in relation to red and processed meat consumption. NPJ Precision OncologyAnalysing metabolite and microbiome datasets, the researchers highlighted that one of the most effective preventative measures for adults under 60 is to discuss their diet with their healthcare provider.

“Enhanced monitoring and screening for colorectal cancer are very helpful measures, and while these methods have been successful, these data suggest that doctors can take a different approach with younger patients,” said senior author Sunil Kamath, MD, a gastrointestinal oncologist.

“Ultimately, it’s not realistic to apply a care model for people over 60 to younger adults because you can’t get everyone in the system to have a colonoscopy every year,” he explains. “What’s much more feasible is to get everyone in the system a simple test that measures a biomarker for colorectal cancer risk, so that those at highest risk have access to the appropriate screening tests.”

Former clinical research associate Tejuth Jayakrishnan, MD, and Nasir Sangwan, PhD, director of the Microbial Sequencing Resource Core, co-led the study. Researchers from Cleveland Clinic’s Early Onset Colon Cancer Center provided a large-scale analysis of patient data from individuals treated for early- or mid-onset colon cancer at Cleveland Clinic.

Previous studies from this team have identified differences in metabolites (diet-derived molecules) between early-onset and middle-aged colorectal cancer, and another study identified differences in the gut microbiome between younger and older people with colorectal cancer. These studies have provided many directions for research into early-onset colorectal cancer. But as more factors contribute to cancer risk, it becomes more complicated to understand what’s going on and to plan future studies, says Dr. Sangwan. Gut bacteria consume our metabolic products and produce their ownit gets even more complicated.

Dr. Sangwan and his team then artificial intelligence They used AI algorithms to combine and analyze existing research datasets to uncover the most relevant factors for future research. To their surprise, Dr. Sangwan’s analysis revealed that dietary differences (identified through metabolite analysis) accounted for a significant portion of the differences observed between younger and older onset patients.

“Researchers, including us, are beginning to look at the gut microbiome as a major contributor to colorectal cancer risk, but our data clearly shows that the main driver is diet,” says Dr. Sangwan. “Now that we know the key metabolites associated with early-onset risk, we can move research in the right direction.”

The team was excited that diet could play such a big role in cancer risk because it is much easier to identify at-risk patients by counting metabolites in their blood than by sequencing their bacteria. DNA It checks for the presence of various microorganisms in the stool.

“Changing your microbiome is actually very complicated and difficult,” Dr. Kamath explains. “It’s not necessarily easy, but it’s a lot easier to change your diet to prevent colon cancer.”

Addressing dietary factors to prevent colon cancer

Younger colon cancer patients had higher levels of metabolites related to amino acid production and metabolism. acid The researchers concluded that older adults have better metabolism of a protein called arginine and the urea cycle than older adults. These differences may be related to long-term consumption of red and processed meat. The team is currently analyzing a national dataset to validate the Cleveland Clinic findings in patients across the country.

After identifying elevated arginine and urea cycle metabolites (and, indirectly, elevated red and processed meat intake) in young adults with colorectal cancer nationwide, the researchers plan to test whether specific dietary interventions or over-the-counter medications that modulate arginine production and the urea cycle might help prevent or even treat early-onset colorectal cancer.

Dr Kamath said more research was needed to understand exactly how dietary factors cause colon cancer, but current findings were already changing the way patients are cared for.

“Before this study, I knew that diet was an important factor in colorectal cancer risk, but it wasn’t something I always discussed with my patients during their initial consultation. There’s so much going on and it can already feel overwhelming,” says Dr. Kamath. “Now, I make sure to mention this to my patients, and to any healthy friends or family members who come in with them, and I try to give them the tools they need to make informed lifestyle choices.”

Reference: “Multi-omics Machine Learning Investigating host-microbiome interactions in early-onset colorectal cancer” Thejus T. Jayakrishnan, Naseer Sangwan, Shimoli V. Barot, Nicole Farha, Arshiya Mariam, Shao Xiang, Federico Aucejo, Madison Conces, Kanika G. Nair, Smisa S. Krishnamurti, Stephanie L. Schmidt, David Riska, Daniel M. Rotroff, Alok A. Khorana, Sunil D. Kamath, 17 July 2024, npj Precision Oncology.
DOI: 10.1038/s41698-024-00647-1

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