Home Products New Study Indicates This Vitamin Can Significantly Reduce Your Risk of Bone Fractures

New Study Indicates This Vitamin Can Significantly Reduce Your Risk of Bone Fractures

by Universalwellnesssystems

Vitamin K1, also known as phylloquinone, is a form of vitamin K found in leafy green vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, kale, and spinach, and fruits such as prunes, kiwis, and avocados. It is important for the body’s blood-clotting mechanisms to function properly and to maintain healthy bones.

A long-term study that analyzed the relationship between fractures and diet-related hospitalizations in approximately 1400 older women found that vitamin K1 significantly reduced the risk of hospitalization.

Fractures can have a significant life impact, especially for older people where hip fractures can lead to disability, reduced independence and increased risk of death.

However, research from the Institute for Innovation in Nutrition and Health Edith Cowan University I have discovered that there may be steps you can take to reduce your risk of fractures later in life.

in collaboration with University of Western AustraliaThis study examined the relationship between fracture-related hospitalizations and vitamin K1 intake in nearly 1400 older Australian women from the Perth Longitudinal Study of Aging Women over 14.5 years.

Mark Sim

Dr. Mark Sim.Credit: Edith Cowan University

Women who consumed more than 100 micrograms of vitamin K1 (approximately 125 grams of dark leafy vegetables, or equivalent to 1-2 servings of vegetables) compared to participants who consumed less than 60 micrograms per serving. were 31% less likely to have fractures compared with .This is the current guideline for adequate vitamin K intake for women in Australia.

There were even more positive results for hip fractures, with those with the highest vitamin K1 intake having almost a half (49%) reduction in hospitalization risk.

Lead researcher Dr. Mark Sim said the results are further evidence of the benefits of vitamin K1, which has also been shown to enhance cardiovascular health.

“Our results are independent of many established factors for fracture rates, including BMI, calcium intake, vitamin D status and prevalent disease,” he said.

“Fundamental studies of vitamin K1 have identified an important role in the carboxylation of vitamin K1-dependent bone proteins such as osteocalcin, which is thought to improve bone toughness.

“Previous ECU studies have shown that dietary vitamin K1 intakes of less than 100 micrograms per day may be too low for this carboxylation.

“Vitamin K1 may also promote bone health by inhibiting various bone-resorbing agents.”

So what and how much should you eat?

Dr. Shim said a daily intake of over 100 micrograms of vitamin K1 is ideal.

“This amount of vitamin K1 daily can be easily achieved by consuming 75-150g, equivalent to one to two servings, of vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli and cabbage.

“Another reason to follow public health guidelines that advocate increasing your vegetable intake, such as including one to two servings of green leafy vegetables, which is consistent with our research recommendations.”

See also: “Dietary intake of vitamin K1 is associated with reduced risk of long-term fracture-related hospitalization: A Perth Longitudinal Study in Older Women,” Mark Sim, André Stridham, Lauren C. Breckenhorst, Nicola P. Bondno, Rachel McCormick, Wai H. Lim, Kun Zhu, Elizabeth Byrnes, Jonathan M. Hodgson, Joshua R. Lewisabch, Richard L. Prince, 12 Sept. 2022, food and function.
DOI: 10.1039/D2FO02494B

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